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Postby DeeClutter » Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:45 am

Looks like many here could use a little soothing today. So enjoy a tranquil day or at least savor each quiet moment.

((Lilac & dd)) -know all too well a lot of those dynamics, Lilac. Of course in our case xsil ended up with custody of our 2 dgks -this after he had been under only supervised visitation not too many years prior. DGS18 left home in June as soon as he graduated. That leaves dgd16 home alone with dad -hoping he's growing to appreciate her a little more.

Got up and threw a beef stew together in the crockpot for later this afternoon. Dfriend/old boss and her dh are coming for dinner. Probably one of the busiest days for dh. Everyone who's left to do so, is closing up and he has several winterizations to do. He was running from 6am to 8pm yesterday.

DS-R tried to start dd's MH and it was dead -so they have that to contend with this morning too. Plan is to go to church but not sure dh will make it.

Been checking the weather out for next Monday - Friday for here and Nashville, TN. Think we just might escape any snow -certainly hope so. We definitely are leaving next Monday. The last big 'to-do' will be on Sunday when they drain the sprinkler system in the rec hall. Then there should only be our winterizing Monday morning and hopefully we'll be on the road.

DGD13 lost her weekend home pass this past weekend. She evidently became quite physical on Friday. Have to wonder what will happen after she's home. Of course if this keeps up she'll be 'extended' again or possibly they will find a different program for her. (which at this point would be a good thing for everyone)

Time to jump in the shower and get my oatmeal and be on with my day. BBL I hope.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby OKay » Sun Oct 23, 2011 8:00 am

Good Morning!

(((Hugs to those who need comfort this morning))))

I've been going strong since I woke up 2 hours ago. 22 cards completed so far.
Next up is MPB AM chores, checking mail boxes and getting newspaper from the road. *POOF*

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Postby Emptynester » Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:49 am

Good Morning All.

I keep thinking if we were at the house now - we would be getting ready for church. I really miss that. The churches out here are not to our liking. We really tried but couldn't understand their point of view. So we will wait a couple more weeks and head back up the hill.

I hit a bonanza on boxes yesterday. One of the little grocery stores just throws them out behind the building. I filled the pickup bed and the cab with some really good ones. Not too big but strong. So now I have no excuse not to get packing again.

The massage wasn't great - new person taking over while regular gal has a baby. Just not the same touch.

Time to leave this machine alone and get moving. I want to finish all the packing in the 5th wheel today so I can start cleaning tomorrow.

I'm hoping the final papers come tomorrow in our mail. Then I can plan a "signing day" on Wednesday and we might get to move in next week. We will see.
It’s never too late to be what you might have been.
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Postby Nancy » Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:01 am

42* - 64* It's 55* outside here now. Yes I could use a soothing Sunday for sure.
Trying to get over and ear thing and do feel better but it sure sapped my energy yesterday so I rested in the evening. I do need to s2s and pay attn. to laundry.

Young squirrels gathering nuts under our tree in the front yard do not seem to be bothered by the neighbors barking dogs this morning. I'm glad they were not doing that barking until after I was already up! Can you believe now that neighbor is mowing! It's only eight in the morning! Go figure!!!

It's good to see your post Indiana!

Brunch is done here and we've spiffed up the kitchen after.
Time to think about the puppet I'm working on this might be the last one of this batch.

EN I keep thinking if we were at the house now - we would be getting ready for church. I really miss that.
This is one of the concerns I have about going FT in an RV, that and no TV that you mentioned the other day. I've put it mentally in the cons list.
Last edited by Nancy on Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:39 pm, edited 5 times in total.



Postby Indiana » Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:09 am

Good morning. Oh boy I feel so much better. In fact I'm going to get ready and go to brunch.

I haven't had a meal downstairs in over 2 weeks.

I'll come back after brunch.

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Postby Lilac » Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:21 am

Yeah, Indiana is feeling much better. You have been missed! Enjoy your brunch!

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Postby OKay » Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:05 pm

YEAH!!! Indiana made her goal of Sunday brunch!! YGG!!

Singing in support of those packing in prep of moving soon.....
sung to the tune of A hunting we will go...

A packing we will go, a packing we will go,
Heigh ho, the dairy-o, a packing we will go!
A packing we will go, a packing we will go,
We'll catch a giraffe and make him laugh,
And then we'll let him go!
:lol: :lol:

Church was very good. Each week LO gets easier and easier to care for while at church, so now I have moment here-n-there to visit eye-to-eye with VDFriends. I've missed them and am sooooooo very thankful they are understanding why I had to press the pause button on our friendship interactions for a couple of years. Priceless!

Lunch prep & served (will clean up later)
LO is down for his nap
It is Sunday afternoon and time for me to kick back. I've got a book with a chapter just waiting to be read, outlined and notes made.

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Postby DeeClutter » Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:24 pm

Been to church and back again. think I have the RV to the point I like with company coming. Stew is simmering away in the crockpot. DH has taken time and gone to see dgs6 race. So glad he decided 'the heck with it' and went to do something he wanted. mmmm....need to go dust the coffee table and the front TV counter. BRB.

well that was longer than I planned. Had to go find a guy to tell him to call dh. DH has been trying to call him about a trailer that needs to be moved (someone put theirs on a new site yesterday and have it over the lot line by at least a foot -a foot is a lot here). Found out the guy had left his phone in the truck. He was calling dh as I left.

Beautiful out today. Somewhat cloudy but mostly sun. Soothing after being very chilly and rainy.

So good to see you, Indiana! Keep on being better! You truly have been missed here.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby lucylee » Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:47 pm

We've been to church, now getting ready to go to dsisil's party. Much grumbling from dh. DS & ddil are sending their "regrets." I can't remember if ddil said she worked last night or that she has to work tonight, but at any rate, she needs to sleep this afternoon. DH is wishing he had a good excuse like that. Ddil told him that's one of the bad things about being retired, LOL!

I could REALLY use a nap, too.

Plus still have all that stuff that needs doing this afternoon.

* sigh *

If I were retired, I wouldn't have to do lesson plans or check a bunch of papers... but my laundry would still be crying out, and my floors would still be dusty, and dmil would still need me to go to the ATM for her...
BUT... I could sleep till noon tomorrow, right? ;)
Occurred to me last night, basically, I am only going to teach 46 more weeks, total. (26 more this year, 36 next year.) When you look at it like that, the school year seems pretty short, actually. Anyone could do that, right?
Tomorrow is another day.



Postby Indiana » Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:06 pm

It was nice to be out with people. My table took a nice leisurely 2 hours. Everything was excellent. The best part was visiting with others.

Now to take a nap.

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