Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

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Re: Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

Postby BookSaver » Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:46 am

Good job, Elizabeth!

Kathryn ~ I'm glad you were able to get a dentist appointment so soon.

It has been nice to see Indiana stop by more often.

Lilac ~ What ages are DD2's kids? Any chance that they could go to a daycare or other family member's house for part of each day while you help her pack? Is the other set of grandparents in the picture? It sounds like you will never be able to get in the house if you don't help her get out of it. But you're right, at least you will be the one to enjoy the results of your cleaning efforts.

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Re: Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:01 pm

Oops, thanks Elizabeth! Germ-y knowledge and Flower-y knowledge are now properly identified! :D

I am basically just on eldercare so far today - not much progress so far. I paid one bill that was to do by phone, that's all. I already had towels in the wash before my ddad got up, so that is flip-flopped. Also before he got up I mopped the front bathroom floor.

I found a college football game being replayed on some satellite station. Perhaps that will give enough entertainment to make it a quiet day.

Remember the evening HRH visited his sick uncle and ran right into his ex, whom he found out his cousin had started dating and was keeping secret from him? Well, said cousin has never even called - not a peep of explanation or anything. Guess what happened yesterday? His computer broke. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: And he actually called HRH like he's always done and asked for free repair as usual (he has never reciprocated with anything). I don't know what will come of that, but I got a big chuckle. I like to think of HRH holding the internal hard drive in his hand and saying, "By the way, was there something you wanted to tell me, cousin?"

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Re: Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

Postby Harmony » Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:19 pm

Waving Hello to everyone.

Nancy, re: your comment about your house, it made me think I'd be glad to be in a smaller house. Many of us look forward to downsizing someday, especially with utility costs, etc., and that makes me think of Booksaver with hot water finally! I'm frugal using my hot water and my electric bill reflects it.

Lucy, did I ever tell you about our old old kirby? The one sitting in the shop that DH will not get rid of, with the fabric bag (upright) that is so dusty it's disgusting...and because it's a Kirby he thinks it's worth something special...he's delusional I'm sure.

Hoping Kathryn has a successful dental appointment, with a simple cure for her jaw woes. XDH had one of those molded teeth thingeys to keep him from clenching, but I always wondered why he didn't swallow it in his sleep...I'm glad it's not me, I'd probably gain weight drinking smoothies, shakes, eating yogurt, mashed potatoes yumm! and I wonder if teeth/jaw pain is why I don't like crunchy stuff so much??

Harriet, how about scented candles at your desk? DH doesn't like when I do that though because I usually sit in a sea of papers all around...though Sunny does do that. I haven't clicked on your links yet but LOL at the observation that one is a gas pump handle instead..

Good luck with the project, Elizabeth. Sounds like a lot of work, but remember the other day you were lamenting the lack of work...that should make it easier, right? :lol:

Last eve. I watched the Hoarder show (my my that one was way over the top for disfunctional behavior). And the in-law show which was a lot of screaming at each other. I don't think I'll allow myself to watch that very often, I found it depressing.

Not much done yet today. A little at my desk, dailies, up early though so that was good. DH has been heavy on the phone with his problems the past few days and that gets on my nerves.

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Re: Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

Postby sherinjoy » Tue Oct 25, 2011 2:00 pm

Hello and good morning from California, where it is still morning.

I'm just CUOP from the last few days. Sorry to hear of Kathryn's jaw pain, hopefully the dentist will have some advice. Thinking about each villager's challenges and sending positive solutions to situations.

I did notice the mention of Clean Sweep- my favorite show ever and love Peter Walsh. I was just wishing yesterday that Peter and crew would come to my house and empty it, decorate it and leave me with a brand new start! I've been struggling lately with keeping up with dailies and attempting big declutter/org projects. It seems I can manage one or the other, but not both at the same time. I end up getting frustrated and give up. Not a long term solution obviously, because I still want a clean, organized, decluttered, decorated home! So today I just started in again, while continuing to seek an answer to my whole-house makeover desire.

Off I go!

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Re: Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:21 pm

Back home from my walk to do the mail. While I was at the dentist, dh got our business calendars and Christmas cards ready to go and we sent them out by surface mail, saving $80.

The dentist sees nothing overtly wrong although she asked about arthritis. My last jaw x-ray was 12 months ago and showed nothing so she didn't do another. She is going to wait a week and see if being careful heals it. If not, we'll start looking for a solution. If it is worse by Thursday morning, I'm to go back then, otherwise, we'll talk again next week.

In the meantime, I'm to use advil and apply heat regularly, eat food that is cut into tiny bits, and no gum (not an issue with me).

I stopped by the grocery store on the way home and bought bananas, and pudding. Tonight's dinner is a rice/beef/tomato dish I had one serving of in the freezer, along with carrot soup. Tomorrow night will be baked fish with bruschetta topping. I tried having my cereal again for lunch and gagged so tomorrow I might have scrambled eggs instead for breakfast. And lunch will be potato and bean soup.

I'm really hungry (I'm used to having a lot of volume food like popcorn, salad and cut veggies) so I'm snacking a lot. Dh at first thought I might lose weight and now realizes the opposite might be true. I'm drinking my calories as well (milk and OJ) which isn't my norm.

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Re: Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

Postby OKay » Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:50 pm

~~~waving Hi to all~~~

I've added in DH must-do chores while he is recuperating, so I didn't CI this morning. Only about 24 more hours then he can start doing his normal stuff again (although in slow speed).

Harmony - In DH case, I think the desire for no pain is a overload of manly MALENESS. I heard DH telling the older DGS's that he was going to hold the doc's "jewels" and if the doc hurt DH.....then DH would hurt the doc. I don't know if that makes sense....even if you get what I was trying to repeat. :roll: Sometimes I just don't understand males thinking ....and I highly suspect this is one of those times!!

Kathryn - I hope your jaw pain quickly disappears. Sounds like you've got the necessary care well understood and have much experience with it. ((((Hugs))))

Too much going on to go into details....
** DBro doing worse
** DDad doing better
** Another five (potential) witnesses contacted and they agreed to testify for us.
** It is a BEAUTIFUL day! which translate into -LO had an extra bath today.....he loves to bury his legs/feet in the sand box. :roll: You know what that means.....sand seems to find itself everywhere in each little crevice....... :P :lol:

Gotta stay moving......later gators

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Re: Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:58 pm

Lost a pots sigh
quick ci
granny duty has begun
dishes are unloaded.

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Re: Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Oct 25, 2011 5:01 pm

I am now starting page SIX of my changes needed list. Page 5 had mostly minor stuff, but there were missing tables that truly need to be put in. YIKES!

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Re: Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

Postby Emptynester » Tue Oct 25, 2011 5:04 pm

I feel like that guy that used to be on the Ed Sullivan Show. The one with all the plates on sticks - remember??

I go from packing mode
Scanning documents to send to Title Co
Having a problem with my Nook
Talking to the repair man about broken window
DH asking, "What's for Dinner"

Anyway - last 4 boxes just need tape and labels and they will be ready to put in the cargo trailer.
Small amount of "stuff" that won't fit in boxes that I need to find a place for.

Documents rec'd from lawyer, PDF'd and sent to Title Co.

Had to unregister my Nook and reregister to get it to work. (We have changed email addresses) Now books are mine - but need to be downloaded again. Not enough gigs left on this month's account so I will wait until after the 28th.

Finally got estimate from repair man - almost the same as the Ins. co. He also needed a check so he could order the window. He better not abscond with the check - as I know where he lives and who his mother is. :twisted:

If DH wants anything other than hot dogs he better cook himself. I'm too frazzled.

I know this sounds like nothing for those of you still working and managing a house etc, etc. But for me it is a lot. I admire all of you so much as you seem to wade thru life with zest.

Me - I want a nap. :mrgreen:
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Re: Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

Postby Sunny » Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:02 pm

Hello all. It's been quiet at home here the last couple of days. I like Mondays, it is usually peaceful after our busy weekends with dfamily visiting Sat. and Sundays. We've had nice weather this past week, cooler at night, not too hot daytimes, no rain though.

I've had trouble keeping my mind on track lately, so hope I can remember some while I post here! :roll:

I'm sorry for difficult time you've had the last few days Harriet. I did follow your links this morning and found them interesting. Got sidetracked reading about germs and read a link about drinking water and diabetes. I've decided I better drink more water!

Indiana, it's nice to see you are able to post a little; keep feeling better!

Kathryn, I hope your jaw gets better quickly!

BookSaver, I'm glad you have hot water again, even though it took a long time to get it done!

Harmony, you mentioned raising feral cats one time....was the one you kept by any chance "Motormouth"?

I know there's some that have had difficult or disturbing days lately; (((Hugs))) for you --- actually we all could use (Hugs) once in a while! Thinking of all who are ill or have family/friends who are ill.

Congratulations Lilac on deciding to buy your dd's house. Moving is a lot of work, but you will be happy when it's all done.

Yesterday I switched two desks from their two different rooms. That didn't change the space in one room, a bedroom, but it did free up some space in the family room. While I had the furniture out I cleaned baseboards and swept carpets, so a little progress made. I decluttered and gathered some trash in the process. I also put out a small bag of odds 'n ends for the Am Vets who had called for a donation last week.

Well I've taken too long to write this, better post and hope it sticks. I know there was a lot I didn't remember to respond to....greetings to all.
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