Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

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Re: Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:32 pm

Just realized I haven't posted -cuop earlier and then had to go do something????

DH has been on a dead run trying to do end of season things. One woman called tonight and wanted him to winterize for her and he told her it would have to be tomorrow or Thursday ("So soon?") Uh,,,,, everyone's gone for all intents and purposes. Fortunately dh tried to fill our fresh water tank today (for the weekend). It wouldn't hold and he discovered a cap is missing. CW repairman brought one over this evening but it doesn't fit. Glad he tried this today and not Friday. They'll try something else tomorrow.

I need to go to bed. Dentist appt yesterday, perm today and have a Dr. appt tomorrow. Hoping she doesn't come up with any further appts as we're leaving on Monday -yes I've waited much to the 'last minute'. I'm off -hope to be back in the morning.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

Postby atlanticflyer » Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:40 pm

hi! sorry been MIA lately but just popped in to say I am thinking of you guys!

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Re: Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:51 pm

Hi, atlantic flyer, you stay away too long! How are the boys?

Carried my ddad to visit with HRH's sick uncle while HRH worked on the computer with his girl-cousin instead. That was probably better than my scenario. :oops: My voice/throat is so tired/painful from saying things LOUDER to my ddad so he could understand. But this is more than just a raspy throat. I don't feel good in a general sort of way, no fever.

Anyway, while there, uncle brought out two photographs to show my ddad as they talked about the area and old times they remember. Neither one of the two photographs had ever been seen by HRH, nor did he know they existed. They are really precious and meaningful, too - his great grandfather in antiquated police uniform and also the same great grandfather and great grandmother. Then sick uncle told my ddad a fascinating story about how the great grandfather was shot during a riot but his pocketwatch caught the blow of the small caliber bullet and saved his life. HRH had never heard this story. Then he said he had the watch! When HRH said what watch, what story, what photos, his girl-cousin and uncle were like: "doesn't EVERYbody in the family know this?" Sigh. Poor HRH felt like he was just faced again with being the left-behind child all those years. 'Course he pretends it doesn't matter, but I asked for copies!

So, anyway, this is just to say AGAIN, like a broken record, if we have any precious family photos we should share them with others in our families who have as much interest as we do in them. I am so glad for every time I made copies for my dmom and got them to my cousins on her behalf, or in one instance, her cousins.

Well, enough rambling and sermonizing. I am going to have dd and HRH wash the dishes tonight. I am just not up to par.

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Re: Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:13 pm

(((Kathryn))) That sounds sooo painful, and I am so sorry. I hope you feel better soon!

(((Harriet))) THANK YOU…
"You just pay no attention to those people, honey, and you have a good day anyway."
That DOES help. And I hope you get a good night’s sleep and feel much better in the morning.

I did have a LONG talk w/principal this morning, and told her how overwhelmed the whole thing made me feel, and how I feel that teachers are being made to be accountable for every little breath we take, while students have NO accountability at all. She made me feel a lot better, and said that she knew I was already doing the things she is asking for, we are not being told to re-invent the wheel, we just have to put it in words in our lesson plans – that we are using the wheel, I guess.
I guess I feel a better. In the course of the conversation, I said, “I know that I am not the BEST teacher in the whole entire world, but I know that I have done some kids some good, and I know that I am a better teacher than Mr. Ass’t Principal THINKS I am…”
-- And then I worried all the rest of the day that I shouldn’t have put myself down like that, saying I knew I wasn’t the best. * sigh * Gotta second guess something, I suppose.
In fact, then I clarified it to her – said I didn’t mean to put myself down, but it was just that, like the Apostle Paul, I know that I have not yet arrived, but I do keep pressing on towards the mark… that I am just so aware of my own shortcomings and keep thinking that “NEXT year I’ll do thus and so…” But of course, still have been second guessing myself all day.

I’m really, really sorry that dd has so many less than pleasant people to deal with, though. (((BIG BIG HUGS, Harriet’s dd)))

Maybe I can homeschool my grandchildren if I ever get any.
That would solve the panic I feel at being at such loose ends that I am at my parents’ beck and call all the time, you know. Maybe.

I’ve really been obsessing tonight – this is just tonight’s obsession, of course, tomorrow it will be something else – but tonight the obsession is – What if ddad IS right, and he has to have chemo, and he has to travel long distance for it, and dmom is not able to drive him, and I have retired so I am able to drive him, and have no excuse anymore not to, and travel with people * especially HIM, of all people * makes me panic, and I end up having more nausea over my panic than he does over his chemo.?????
I know… I am certifiably insane.

Waving to Elizabeth, Lilac, BookSaver… bsweet, sher, MT… Sunny, Dee, aflyer…

Harmony – I am glad to know someone else is stuck with a Kirby they don’t like. I didn’t mean that like it sounded! I’m not really glad you got stuck, too… you know what I mean! I hope mine ends up in the shop or somewhere, sometime. I called that place today, and they said they would only give around $100 for it, that a pawn shop would give more. I guess I’m just stuck with it for awhile, anyway. Although dh IS getting sooo tired of hearing me gripe, that he said last night, “GO AND GET YOU WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!” And I just may take him up on it… but I guess I will wait till I get another windfall of Christmas gift money ;) .

I watched the inlaws show last night, and it WAS sorta depressing.
I still love Hoarders, too. And Clean House.
How Clean is Your House? – does it still come on? I can’t find it anywhere anymore.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

Postby BookSaver » Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:40 pm

I pushed myself tonight to deep clean those 3 kitchen drawers just so I could post about it here. I don't know if that's good motivation, or just sad. :?

Oh well, <shrug>, sometimes you have to take motivation from whichever direction it arrives.

Waving back to Lucylee.

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Re: Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

Postby Lilac » Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:59 pm

Thought I better check in. BookSaver you asked about the kids ages, dgd15, dgs7, dgs5, dgd2 and dgd6months. The other grandparents are 82 and 87. Dgd2 and dgd6 months have a grandpa that was in WW2. I told dd2 that they need to get some documentation, so as the girls age they can prove it and not be thought of as liars. The other grandparents live about 30 miles away, in the country and never babysit. They have 40+ grandkids and they thought their youngest son would never marry and have a family. They were so tickled when each of the girls were born. If you didn't know better you would think they didn't have any other grandkids. Dd2 has mentioned daycare during the move, but so far hasn't acted on it. Everyone she knows works, so that is out.

Today we went to the attorney and now have the contract. I will go to the bank in the morning and then the title company to get title insurance. After that I plan to help dd2 pack and make some progress. We did get a large storage closet cleaned out today. Also went through a huge box of shoes and a large wicker trunk full of shoes.

Dh did all of the paperwork on the sale of the vette. We can now deposit the check.

Dh is going to take Friday off so that he can go through his garage and get out any items for a garage sale. I guess we are going to have one on Saturday. They are such a pain and so many of the things we have for sale are hard to donate. Dd2 has a lot of baby items, furniture, etc. to sell.

Well I better head to bed.

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Re: Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:21 am

Dgrand kids just left I did good today with them.
We had our dinner out and enjoyed the local taco stand Tues. special.
Picked dgson up after at flag fb practice.

Dson was just asking about Turkey day and I guess it's going to be here his girls will be in town, and dstepgrandson will be too. At least the house is clean! LOL!

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Re: Village Energy Tuesday PWYC

Postby Lilac » Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:30 am

I only thought I was headed to bed. Just as I started up the stairs, the phone rang and it was a shift supervisor. The plant was down. I had to wake dh up and he headed out there. That is the part of his job that he hates because sometimes when this happens, he ends up working all night and into the day. I am just hoping that when he is 62 that they will let him step down from his job and promote someone else and that they will let him be a shift supervisor again. From the position he started at and up, 29+ years later he is the only one left that started when he did. His longtime loyalty will hopefully work in his favor if he decides to wait a few years to retire.

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