Wonderful & Awesome Wednesday!

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Wonderful & Awesome Wednesday!

Postby OKay » Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:28 am

I'm looking forward to hearing about your Wednesday plans and TA-DA's

Happy Anniversary to Mr. & Mrs. Atlantic Flyer!
AF -I miss you posting

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Re: Wonderful & Awesome Wednesday!

Postby OKay » Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:35 am

DH has stopped his pain meds and should be easing back into his normal routine today. YES!!

Normal Wednesday doings for me =
** LO to library reading/craft time
** thrift store
** Older DGS's (and girl friend) here after school for the evening.
** church

I have a picnic tentatively planned for tonights meal......but it might be RAINed out!! Sweet! I soooo hope that happens. We can picnic in the rain....or on the dining room floor. The possible moisture is welcomed and we will work the picnic around it.

27 cards completed this morning. Next up is MPB AM chores. *POOF*

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Re: Wonderful & Awesome Wednesday!

Postby Lilac » Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:39 am

Happy Anniversary to the Aflyers.

Okay, is your dh doing better after the dental work?

Dh ended up having to go out to the plant about 11 last night. Not sure when he came home but at 6 something I woke up and he was in bed. He left a note to wake him at 9:30. I wanted to go to the bank first thing this morning but with him sleeping, I might have to go a little later. Oh well, I can continue to work on finding addresses for the credit card companies. Those home loan applications are enough to make you want to forget it.

Hope Twins is having a nice vacation.

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Re: Wonderful & Awesome Wednesday!

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:56 am


Spent a good share of the morning trying to remember/find dh's access for his bank account. Finally figured out I had the ID and password reversed (after I found them). That's now completed and I paid our credit card bill.

Now to hop in the shower and get ready for my dr appt at noon. Here it is 10am already!

BBL I hope.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Wonderful & Awesome Wednesday!

Postby Harmony » Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:31 am

Good morning everyone!

I hope Everybody has a good day.

Happy Anniversary to AFlyer and DH. I also miss seeing you here daily.

Yesterday I drove to next county and got paper ready for DH. This morning I put his pkg of papers together and sent him off to county office. He says I'm not allowed to die before he retires! I say he's not allowed to die before the mortgage is paid off.

On the way back I stopped at big box store and talked with DD on cell re: her house remodel. We are going up in another week to tackle some of the stuff that has never gotten done.

Not a lot done around here yet. May have to help DH out in shop as he's moving plywood around once again. I shouldn't complain. At least I'm not packing and moving!

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Re: Wonderful & Awesome Wednesday!

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:53 am

Figuring I'll pack some when I come home this afternoon.

DH wanted the car to go to town BEFORE I go to the Dr. He'd best hurry up because he's running out of time. I have to leave here by 11:30 and it's 10:51 now. If he doesn't come in the next 5 minutes there's no way he can make it -of course he ALWAYS thinks a trip will take at least 10 minutes less than the actual. And he definitely is a workaholic and does things until the very last second! Toes tapping here.

Think I'll ready dh's lunch so I can leave it for him. Have a few errands to run after I go to the Dr.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Wonderful & Awesome Wednesday!

Postby Nancy » Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:58 am

Happy Anniversary to Mr. & Mrs. Atlantic Flyer! Hope your day is very special.

Today I have granny duty around noon.
Coffee is on my bs was good so the day is starting off on a good foot.
I need to make the bed as I was the last one up.

My thoughts are on turkey day plans menu etc. it's going to be here unless we get an offer on the house.

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Re: Wonderful & Awesome Wednesday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:11 am

I'm up and moving slowly.

Book sale at the women's event went ok, sold $133. Better than a kick in the pants but made a total of $20 for the Resource Centre. Not good use of my volunteer time. On the other hand, it was fun to 'sell' again - pointing out neat books that will interest people or make good gifts.

I didn't stay upstairs for the program, instead sitting in the basement. I was going to read a book I'm trying to read without paying for it (!) but someone had an asthma attack and so I dealt with that. Somewhere, rattling in the back of my head was the factoid that coffee can stop an asthma attack and it did. (I think the caffeine opens the blood vessels which then relax the airways, or it might be the heat and the caffeine combined.)

My book display was set up next to boxes of books from the church's giant book sale which I had missed so I went through those and picked out 4. And I pulled 4 from the church library shelf and will write reviews for the church newsletter. It isn't a huge library but it is there and a number of the books are quite good (I know because they are on the reading list for my course.)

I slept well after reading another chapter from the current book I'm reading. That gave me a sermon idea so I made notes on that as well and then turned out the light just before 11.

I woke up pain-free and not even sore. Felt a bit sore when I got up but that passed while I was on the treadmill (or my back is hurting more, not sure.) Yawning doesn't hurt at all now, nor does talking.

I had scrambled eggs with bacon bits and veggies (sort of an omelet hybrid) but I'm still hungry so am holding out for lunch. I decided I didn't like my shredded wheat hot so tried the eggs instead. In the past, I've found that anything other than a heavy grain for my breakfast won't fill me. That hasn't changed.

Time for me to start making my soup for lunch. My jaw is still making squishy noises and I'm not going to try hard chewing just yet. But it is definitely better so I'm encouraged.

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Re: Wonderful & Awesome Wednesday!

Postby Nancy » Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:07 pm

I have s2s done.
did 3 mi. on my ex. bike while I watched my knitting show.
I have a plan for lunch in my head salad with tuna.
Way to go gals!

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Re: Wonderful & Awesome Wednesday!

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:34 pm

Good morning everyone! DD and I had a good Girls' Night Out last night. Her wrist is still in a brace, so she did not want to do Chuck E Cheese, so we went to a bookstore instead. I told her I was not buying anything and stuck to that.

Tonight I think I will have dinner at church. Then I need to finish the crisis clean by: cleaning bathrooms and in the kitchen getting the last counter and mopping.

A sign of progress: an ex-feral I tamed got on my bed Monday and stayed and purred while I petted him. He did leave when I actually started getting under the covers, but he stayed while I sat on the bed and read. This is one who was freaked out by my recent move. He could not relax until he found hiding places and I have made under the beds inaccessible. He really needs to be adopted and so does his never feral sister.

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