How About Fantastic Friday?

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How About Fantastic Friday?

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Oct 28, 2011 7:43 am

Could not think of a decent title for today -so I'll get us opened & someone else can name it.

Note to Lilac: We have 'triple' bundle here with cable, Lilac. Phone, internet, cable, DVR. There was a special up to now ($93/month). Having it put on vacation on Monday and it'll be $30/month; and when we come back: a whopping $175/month -so we will be making phone calls -again.) May find out what it will be without the phone -we don't use it, in fact we don't even have one -just our cell phones, but we do have it hooked up as part of the 'bundle'.

We pulled down all of the shades last night and I have the patio drape closed, trying to keep as much heat in here as possible. I hate being closed in like this. One thing about this RV is that it has lots of expanses of windows. But know those expanses are cold. It's 28 out this morning. DH took a heater to dd's last night so I'll be able to turn that on while I'm there wrapping and packing today. Going to get moving shortly in that direction. Want to do our bedroom and kitchen first.

Have to be at garage at 2 to get the sensor put back in my front tire. From there I'm picking up dgd16 -she can't go to dinner with us tomorrow night so am picking her up and going to get a bite and bring her out to say good-bye to dh. Tomorrow with our church's Smorgasbord it will be a busy day. Have to make fruit salad and scalloped onions. Also have to sort out food stuff that's left over to take to DSons homes tomorrow. Sunday we'll be winging it.

DH is still working on dcampowner's dad's well. Has to put in a new pump today. Just hoping he doesn't get sick being out in all this cold/damp air. Actually had some of those white flakes yesterday.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby DeeClutter » Fri Oct 28, 2011 7:45 am

(((Sunny & dh))). What a bummer!

Once I leave here on Monday, I almost doubt I'll get back on before getting to dd's in Florida. So don't think I've disappeared. Reminds me I need to send a private message -after I look at our maps. So, Twins, PM coming your way later today.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby Lilac » Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:05 am

Good morning Dee!

Last night I was looking for garage sale items and I didn't come up with much. This morning I woke up with the determination to round up things that I would not try to replace if I lost them due to fire, tornado or water damage. So I better get started.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:36 am

Super late this morning. Dh didn't get up so I didn't either.

I have s2s (no exercising) and need to have breakfast and then dry my hair and head out. I feel unprepared for the day.

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Postby Lynlee » Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:44 am

goodmorning and goodnight from me.
pdoc appointment today. Suddenly tells me hes going away on leave. I wish he'd give me notice.
Bought a cushion insert for a cushion case rcd last christmas. theres another case "somewhere" so I just bought the one. I really don't need another cushion - so maybe I just have a spare matching case.

10,42pm. time to shower, teeth, fill out my summary/checklist books. readings if time and inclination. last night I got cool doing that then couldn't sleep for an hr or so. nite.
Just begin.
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Postby bittersweet » Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:31 am

I'm up! That's about all so far...but I'm up! :P Yesterday went quite well, although I accomplished virtually nothing on the household front. First I slept in, then spent an hour on the phone with DD. Then I ran a couple of quick errands, came home and tidied/vacuumed the living room. After that, it was off to pick up DD, DGS, and DGD, drop off DGS here so DS could watch him, pick up DH for further moral support, and then off to the courthouse. SD showed up with his dad and lawyer in tow..and a new plan (that I don't think they'd even told their lawyer about!). Instead of week on/week off living arrangements for DGS, he decided he'd rather go for primary care so that DGS would live with him and DD would only get him on weekends. :shock: Yesterday's process was a "judicial dispute review" where both sides get to state their case to a real judge, who then basically gives them what would be his ruling if this were a real custody trial. He got turned down quite flatly, since his primary reason for asking for this major upheaval in DGS's life was, "Because he's my son!" They've more or less got things ironed out about visitation, and although SD will have him a bit more than we'd like, there really wasn't provable grounds to refuse. Hopefully this is the end of all this foolishness for a while! :roll:

After all that, I took DD and the munchkins grocery shopping, met up with DSinl at the grocery store, and they went home to make supper (I went off to pick up KFC :oops: ) The evening was basically spent goofing off, and going to bed somewhat later than was really wise.

Oh..I also found out yesterday that a new schedule was voted on at the staff meeting (I'l left my vote in a sealed envelope with a co-worker), and should be in place starting next Sunday. While it will mean longer days (10 hrs/day as opposed to our current 8.5 hrs/day), we'll get MUCH more time off! For example, if they keep the teams that had been suggested, I'll have three days off (in a row!!!!! :D :D ) every week! In addition to more days off, this schedule will also allow at least one day per two weeks strictly for admin work catchup, and more time outside of operational hours to work on admin stuff which is horribly backlogged at the moment!

Today, I'll be bringing home seven (I think!) new kittens to foster - one from work, and six from a local rescue. They aren't feral, but do need some socialization before they're ready to be adopted.

I think that's pretty much all my news from this corner of the world. Now I'm going to have another cup of coffee, and get started on the usual morning critter care stuff, shower, and get myself out the door.
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Postby Indiana » Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:10 am

Life is good.

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Postby Emptynester » Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:28 am

Baby its cold outside - and inside too. We have gone from the 90s to 54 this morning. But my blood didn't have time to thicken up. I like seasonal changes but give me some warning.

Poor DH - I got up in the middle of the night for a potty run and coming back to bed, my knee gave out and I fell on him. What a rude awakening!! I will be really glad to get in a bigger bedroom where I don't have to scoot around the bed with about 3 inches of clearance. Especially if I am half asleep.

The signing went great yesterday. We even got a chance to do another walk thru of the house and I checked out some of the window sizes. We will be moving in on Wednesday.

It was kinda great to see a sold sign on the Realtor's sign out front. She will meet us there on Wednesday with the keys so we don't have to drive into town with all the trailers in tow. I told her she could take down the sign then, too.

We didn't get home until after dark so basically had popcorn for supper and went to bed. But everything is done and signed - now the Title Co. will register everything and we will get the papers and the keys on Wednesday.

I just have two calls to make this morning and that is to turn the electric on and have the propane tank filled.

Then I have to get the MH ready to travel as DH will take it in for an oil change and fill it up with fuel tomorrow morning.

First up is a hot shower to warm up. TTFN
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Postby Nancy » Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:40 am

Quick post n run.
Going to see our "bundle of joy" this morning.
Spiff up around here last night got the kit. dining room & hall way swept & mopped.
Today spiff up their house for bday party today.
Waving to all.

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Postby DeeClutter » Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:50 am

Just keep taking care of you, Indiana!

WooHoo, MT!

Dishes done now so will go over to dd's MH to wrap Christmas gifts. Hoping I can do it in under an hour. We'll see.....
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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