How About Fantastic Friday?

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Postby Elizabeth » Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:15 am

How about Fantastic Friday? It is cold where I am! I did not have enough blankets on my bed and I cannot run the heat until the swamp cooler is disconnected (tomorrow). My 17yo cat could not decide if she wanted under or out of the covers, so I am a little tired. Today I have to get a mammogram. It has been my appointment week, yesterday was parent teacher conference. DD9, a fourth grader, is working on 1st grade sight words. That is how bad her spelling is. "Again" is the bane of her existence, usually spelled "agin". At least we have official confirmation of dyslexia now. Interestingly, she reads slightly above grade level. It is her writing that is the problem.

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Postby blessedw2 » Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:56 am

good luck on your mamogram delizabeth. glad they found out she has dyslexia.
congrats dmt.
hello to all.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:33 pm

It is so weird to see MT settling into a fixed house. It seems like just yesterday she was madly scanning her photo albums so she'd have them with her on the road.

I had a longer day in town than planned. I had planned to drop off the book sale boxes, swing by the library, WM and home. Library didn't open until 1 and I was there at 10:45. My cell phone was in the charger at home so I found a payphone and called dh from the library building (it is a municipal recreation center as well.) He looked up other locations of the book I wanted but none of the branches opened before 1 so I ended up shopping slowly, having a drawn out lunch at McDs and then going to the library.

When my jaw was wired shut, I could eat McD fries by threading them into my mouth through a gap at the back of my mouth so I knew I could have those. I chose chicken nuggets and cut them up small and they were fine as well. So I didn't die of frustration. I'm sure what I ate was poison according to the long-living diet book I was waiting to get from the library, but there was no way I could manage Subway and I'm sick of soup.

I spent ages at the library, exploring since they have rearranged everything in the 2 - 3 years since I've been there. Come to think of it, the branch was closed for ages due to the renovations. I'm now listening to a CD of Billy Joel's 'classical' style music. And I have a movie to watch, as well as getting the book which was my original reason for going. Plus I've renewed my card which had expired. I haven't been using a library because we've been traveling so much and I had so much reading to do for my courses.

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Postby Harmony » Fri Oct 28, 2011 3:27 pm

Hello everyone.

bittersweet, I'm glad the hearing didn't turn out as bad as it could have. Wow, that's a lot of new cats!

Everyone seems to have had a slow start today. My day has been weird. Not the usual stuff to do. Had to fix a plan for DH, then take him to jobsite. They came back here later on and helper fixed the bracket we were attaching to the wall. Such a difference when one has strong arms and shoulders. He also climbed up and got scaffolding down for us to take next week to DD's.

I stopped at 3 banks, and one store looking for something for DD's project. Here at home I'm doing odds and ends. Ironed a few pieces, moved button on pair of shorts, hung a curtain. Also some usual stuff, 1 LOL hanging up and a couple bills to the mail.

We're getting clouds from that tropical storm and thankfully some rain too. Amazing to think this is coming from a storm so far away.

MT, I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself last night.

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Postby Emptynester » Fri Oct 28, 2011 3:46 pm

Just to clarify - we are still going to travel - just instead of the 5th wheel being our winter home - we will have a small house. We will be 6 and 6ers instead of fulltimers.

Harmony - I couldn't get hurt - I fell on top of DH on the bed. I had a very soft landing. He was waked abruptly, however.

Doing lots of paper work today. Filing all the house papers, ordering new ink for the printer, changing the electric to our name, paying the insurance on the Rhino, putting away check books and a general neatening of my area. It will be nice to have a desk and file cabinet again instead of using the dash of the MH and under bed storage.

Time for some lunch and then a siesta. TTFN
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Re: How About Fantastic Friday?

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:30 pm

I'm so tired today. This cold weather last night really sapped my energy. I am still working on documents. In about 10 minutes I have to feed my car and then get a mammogram. I wish I had done the car yesterday, I usually do on Thursdays, but it was so cold. Tonight I am going to DD's pumpkin carving party at XDH's house. Normally she spends Friday night with me, but he has her so she can have the party. The Halloween party is at my house Sat, and I cannot do 2 parties in one weekend! Sat, she and a favorite friend are coming to decorate. They want to make a haunted shed.

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Postby OKay » Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:39 pm

~~~~~waving HI to all~~~

What a beauuutiful day it is today! We went to the local parade after lunch today. Our local town postponded their yearly parade from August to now because of the extreme heat wave. I didn't realize LO had never been to a parade and didn't have a clue what we meant by a "parade"....- he kept pointing to various items and asking "is that a parade?" :lol: He thoroughly enjoyed his first parade and was thrilled each time they threw candy to him. Over and over he gathered the candy up and immediately went and shared it with those around us. He gave 90% of the candy away and then settled down to eat some. Candy is rare treat for him so I think he will love attending parades from now on. :)

I have a scratchy throat and runny nose. Does that mean I have a cold? Don't know what it is, but I hope these symptoms disappear as fast as they showed up last night! I'm trying to decide whether to continue on with my weekend plans or not. I hate to cancel, but I also hate to give this ?cold? to others.

I used pressure cooker to make a huge pot of pinto beans this morning. OH WOW! They turned out so good! We added a couple scoops of chili and sprinkled some grated cheese on the beans and it felt like a feast. I don't know why food cooked in pressure cooker taste different, but I sure do like the results.

We have a call in to plumbing company for a service call. DH is tied up @ MPB getting that owie straighten out. Hopefully the plumbers will show up today like they said.

56 cards completed today (so far).

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Re: How About Fantastic Friday?

Postby Harriet » Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:40 pm

I took Elizabeth's suggestion for a topic, Dee.

OKay, if you have any or can get one easily, I'd take one of the zinc cold "remedy" products at the drug store. They are not classically remedies, of course, but shorten the duration of a cold and lessen the symptoms. Many name brands these days, but I still like the Zicam melt-in-the-mouth circles. Have you been into anything that could have flared an allergy? For instance, last year dd13 jumped in leaf piles with the boys this time of year and had some doozy symptoms!

Today has been a real running day for me. BIG grocery trip with dd was very tiring. That also got some milk, juice and cereals into my ddad's house for dd31's family, who arrives there tonight. At ddad's we washed some linens and put up a shower curtain, added paper products all 'round, swished bathrooms, that sort of thing. I took an extra blanket over. HRH had a hunger attack during all this and asked for a McD's run and I somehow got that home to him as well. (he has to stay here if we are away)

It is a dnephew's birthday party (dfirstbil's son) this evening but it is several towns away at their church, which I've never even seen, and I'd be driving unfamiliar territory after dark, of course, since HRH would have to stay here. I just can't do that plus everything else. They invited HRH and I, but they did not invite dd31 or ds26, so I can't imagine they intended to invite dd13, really, but I wouldn't want to drive it without her after dark, so the whole situation just won't work.

Dd31 has discovered that a nearby church (neighboring old one where we have many ties) is having a trunk-or-treat/hayride Sat night and she wants to take her whole family, me and dd13. I'm not sure about this because most of the event is outdoors and the temp and wind will bother me. But if we don't do it, dd13 won't have another opportunity to enjoy the "holiday" and the little boys might not have much of a chance, either. As usual, HRH is odd man out, but in a little-kid-candy-yelling situation, I suppose that's how he'd want it.

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Re: How About Fantastic Friday?

Postby Nancy » Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:00 pm

Today I checked at "Family foods" store near by us & said they could get in the sweet potato fries, I told the mgr. that they do not spike blood sugar as bad as regular potatoes. They have another store chain in town and may have 'em there so I'll check. He could get them in for me. But I said I was checking to see who has 'em first. So that was productive for me. I've asked for stuff before that does not show up like grape diet soda that they have carried in the past.

Did most of the floors at dd's baked up a plate of cookies for them, fed the cat, then dgd & I decided it was time to return here. We made up the Christmas crunch snack mix and it was hard to stay out of it. So went for a walk and we're back from a 2 mi. walk to the store w/ dgd in stroller, I forgot raisen bran on the last trip. {Dgd is asleep now.}

Had to reverse cables to get the VCR going earlier the cable guy had them on back wards. Frustrating as dgd wanted to watch a movie here so had to put it in down stairs in the basement. Glad it's up and going now like it was before.

Cloudy out today and I"m glad we did not get the rain that was in the forecast.

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Re: How About Fantastic Friday?

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:34 pm

Fantastic sounds wellllll....Fantastic! :D

Heard back from the Dr on my blood work. Cholesterol was good, A1C was a little high, but I know with the lower readings I'm having that it should soon be in a very good range. She did say that my kidney function is very mildly decreased however and to stay away from Ansaids. Meaning the ad v i l I take a lot! (mainly because of my shoulder but also headaches). She wants me to go back to T y l e no l which I had always heard was bad for liver function. All my other lab tests were normal. I was pretty nervous waiting for them because I know I haven't been as good as I should be. So have to have the kidney function retested when I come back in the spring -colonoscopy, mammogram, bone density, eyes. She already gave me a referral for the bone density for the same time I have the mammogram.

Picked up dgd16 from school and we went for burgers. I brought her back here so she can see dh 1 last time before we leave. dGS18 is going to the smorgasbord with us tomorrow night but she has to babysit. So proud of how well she's doing -she'll be inducted into the National Honor Society next week. She's doing a stint with a kindergarten class as a future teacher and she ran into several women who used to work with ddShelley the years she worked there.

Here comes dh...later........
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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