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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Oct 29, 2011 11:48 am

Day changed here. Ds is over and isn't sure about doing a border run but we think we'll all go down to the Seaway for Fish and Chips since it is a nice sunny day out and the sunlight and fresh air will be good for all of us.

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Postby Cowinkie » Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:09 pm

Morning y'all

Getting ready to do my sat errand run. Fall is finally here with temps in the 80's. Sweetie and I plan on taking the dogs for a nice walk this weekend.

Best place I've ever celebrated Halloween was when I lived in new Orleans. Those people there see Halloween as another way to celebrate family. People think of this town as a party town, but after you live there for a while you find it is a very family place who loved to get together to have fun. Most parties are filled with family traditions that have been past down from generation to generation.

However, as a teacher as I HATE. Halloween. It's not celebrated in school, but the kids are so unfocused on that day it's hard to teach and the days after are a nightmare. Most kids are still jacked up on a sugar high. Some parents dont oversee what the kids are bring to school and even if they do, other kids bring bags is candy to class and share.

Off to do my errands. In my small community there are only 3 kids and they are in hs. It should be a quite night here. Plus no candy in the house to tempt me!
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Postby Nancy » Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:25 pm

Joining Harriet in granny duty today for a while and then an over-nighter while the folks
go to a Halloween party tonight. :mrgreen: Going to call dson to see about setting up some cousin time but first art time, then story time and play doh time.

{Wondering what region Dove lives that it's snowing.}
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Dove » Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:43 pm

I cannot believe my eyes as I look out the window today ... it is SNOWING! In October! I'm both :D & :shock: . It is really coming down; big, heavy flakes that have turned the ground white. We are predicted to get 10 inches or more. Our trees still have leaves on them, & they have barely begun changing color. Local newscasters are warning about power outages due to heavy snow accumulating on all the leaves & snapping tree limbs which will take down power lines.

I'm bummed that we haven't bought bird seed for the winter yet, but who knew it would snow in October? We took a day trip out of state yesterday so no time to get it, & the roads have been a mess all morning.

Be back later to cuop --right now I want to go sit by the largest window in the house & enjoy the view :) .

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Postby DeeClutter » Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:23 pm

Our day here is very overcast but we're not supposed to get the snow that's south and east of us. Know the areas that are are supposed to have massive power outages because of the leaves still on the trees. Surprised you have sunshine today, Kathryn but glad someone does.

I finally broke down and took an acetiminophen (all I could find was 500mg). I used to take a lot of that for my shoulder and became very wary of the liver damage on top of taking a cholesterol drug. I was probably only taking about 800mg a day of the a d v i l, Kathryn but evidently too much. I tried to nurse a headache during the night without taking something so I did pretty well hour-wise.

I have the onions simmering in a cream sauce and the fruit salad all made in the fridge. DS-A called (after I had texted them to make sure we were still oka for tonight) and said he had told dh a few weeks ago that they wouldn't be able to make it tonight. Then DS-R just called to see if I'd be terribly upset if DGS6 didn't join us. He has other more 'exciting' plans. :D It really doesn't make a whit of difference to me -as it is I'll be lucky to get dh out of here on time. DDIL #1 has to work 4-12 tonight -an overtime shift at the court. So we're down to 4 of us I think. :lol: It really is OK -just have to convince dks of that. Another couple from here is planning to join us as well. I was worried about how much later we'd be going to DS-A's since dh is scheduled to wash dishes at 6:30. Not to worry. Think I'll take dgs18 home while dh does that and then we can go right home from church.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!



Postby Indiana » Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:39 pm

It really makes life brighter when I can breath. My lungs are clearing. Thank goodness for frost.

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Postby Harriet » Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:49 pm

He went to the windows of those who slept,
And over each pane, like a fairy, crept;
Wherever he breathed, wherever he stepped,
By the light of the morn were seen
Most beautiful things; there were flowers and trees;
There were bevies of birds and swarms of bees;
There were cities with temples and towers; and these
All pictured in silvery sheen!

... from Jack Frost, a Children's Poem
by Hannah Gould

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:37 pm

Dee: Solid overcast now. But we got the shade structure awning down and hanging on the line to dry off. Outdoor deck furniture is now all stored for the winter but I still have to move the stuff from the front porch and tidy up the shed. Actually, I guess the winterizing is only about 30% done. Sigh.....

Had a nice lunch. Didn't get to see any sea-going ships but I enjoy being near the water that leads to the ocean. It does my soul good. My diet, on the other hand, is shot for the week.

I used the driving time to get my chit entry into Quicken done. Been trying to get to that task for a week now. Ds told us all about his adventures in New York. We are thrilled he had such a great time.

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Postby Nancy » Sat Oct 29, 2011 5:26 pm

Our small coffee maker has been acting up so I got out the bigger one this morning.
Blood sugar is good, We were going to see the movie Captian America other choices were yucky Halloween theme or cartoons h. does not like animated ones so much. But our plans got changed for today.

Dishes have been ran through time to get those put away.
Lunch is done.

Got the hand wash item dry and 90% of the stain is out good enough for the every day around the house shirt for me.

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Postby OKay » Sat Oct 29, 2011 6:13 pm




OH - so very welcomed to sit and put feet up. I'm not positive which i enjoy the most - stopping or sipping coffee. I just know that the combination of them are a treat.

Halloween - I don't like all the dead people (skulls) and scary faces/costumes that come out at this time of the year. I would skip Halloween holiday if it was up to me. As it is, I reduce our celebration of it to the minimum that I can. LO does have a costume to wear (purchased for $2 at the thrift store) because his brothers have been looking forward to taking him trick-n-treating. I limit the places they can take him (only to family and close friends homes), but put up with the 2 hours (or so) of trick-n-treating and try to just think of it as having fun visiting loved ones.

today's TADA's......

Still waiting for these cold symptoms to disappear. My head still feels about 3 times its normal size. The good news is we have been away from home most of the day so the playing of drums have been limited. :) LO recently got a set of drums and has been playing them every moment he can. I enjoy the sounds of drums being played.....but just not when my head is feeling like this.

We drove to big city this morning and toured the National Weather service facility. Talk about some high tech equipment and extremely dedicated people. OH WOWsers! We then toured the campus of the university on top of DGS14 wish list to attend. This was a fun trip in celebration of DGS14 most excellent report card.

On our way home we stopped at Pumpkin patch and did all the activities there - feed animals, climbed hay bales, walked/ran through 2 mazes (huge corn field maze and a smaller hay bale maze), picked pumpkins from field, rode in hay wagon pulled by tractor, etc etc etc.

I've been working in bits of time here and there on setting up and configuring a laptop for DGS14 I finished that project this afternoon. Feels good to have it done and he is THRILLED with the result.

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