New Month November

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Re: New Month November

Postby bittersweet » Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:38 pm

I'm not sure why they chose November either, Nancy. However..they do also have "summer camps" in June and August starting next year. For me, fiction writing is a way to do something with my incessant imagination! If I don't put it to constructive use, it becomes what dMum calls 'skull cinema', and plays all sorts of horrible "what if" movies in my head :x

I've gotten everything from the first round done, except for getting dressed...figured I might as well do that while I'm upstairs. I also handed off two items to DH from the main list, so he'll do the library returns, and the bottle depot run.

After I've taken a short break, my second round will look something like this...

- upstairs critter care
- strip/remake bed
- vacuum master bedroom
- swipe bathroom
- gather laundry

And....of course....get dressed!!
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Re: New Month November

Postby Nancy » Tue Nov 01, 2011 2:37 pm

Sheets are dry and ready to go back on the bed.
Lunch is done.
Next up dust.

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Re: New Month November

Postby Sadie » Tue Nov 01, 2011 2:56 pm

Hello dear ladies,

another wonderful weather day here, temps in the 70's.

LucyLee, here a little of the info I can pass on to you about products and sales at WM.

Most of the items for Black Friday are different products from what is usually carried and is not replenished after it sells. They get a limited amount of something and once it's gone, it's gone.

Rollbacks are items which the store carries all the time. They are at a temporary price reduction. How long they are reduced varies and is unknown by most workers. Could be a few days or months. Home office decides and notifies what gets on Rollback and when it returns to regular price. These items do get replenished as they are sold.

AS Advertised are items advertised in their weekly flier. They can be at a reduced price for about a week. Then again they advertise things at their regular price.

Matching Price- sometimes in store advertising of items matching competing retailers. They also match ads of competitors. WM does not match prices with other WMs usually or Doesn't hurt to ask- once in a while a manager will ok it.

Clearance is items that have been deleted or out of season. These items are not replenished. Depending on the quantity of the items, they can be marked down a number of times. If we've got 100 of an item, chances are it will get marked down several times before we are out of it. If we got 5 of an item, it will most like be gone after the first mark-down. Home Office decides what and when mark downs occurs on most things. Occasionally, the local store is given permission to mark down items that just aren't selling well in their store. So you might see something on clearance at one WM and full price at the another. But chances are once the clearance ones are gone, that store won't sell it any longer.

Hope this helps.

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Re: New Month November

Postby Harriet » Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:19 pm

That's interesting knowledge, Sadie.

My ddad's linens are clean and back on his bed now. His pjs are still tumbling. Towels from the first washing are folded and put away.

Some desk day work done, too.

Got the online order delivered by mail, crammed in the box. Hmmm... ... I think it's alright, but I had expected it by delivery. The jacket might be a little small, but I suppose... not so much to get me to return it.

I read the Safe..way news story from Hawaii and have been stewing about it all day. Isn't that silly? My real problem was that I happened to glance some of the comments below the story and those made me stew more than the events themselves. I think this relatively new phenomenon of anonymous comments being accepted right under news stories in many of our mainline media on the internet is a bad idea.

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Re: New Month November

Postby bittersweet » Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:35 pm

I read the story, too, Harriet...but there were no comments under the one I read. Probably just as well..cause like you, I get more annoyed by the comments than anything! 90% of them are left by idiots with no lives who get their jollies from stirring up carp. :roll:

I got completely sidetracked from my second round after doing the upstairs critter care. Instead, I went shopping for more work pants and a winter coat. THREE stores later, I found something suitable! Of course, I do tend to avoid working on the MBR for some reason...not sure what that's about. However...the bed needs clean sheets, the floor needs cleaning up and vacuuming, and I need to do a couple of loads of laundry, and shower before heading off to the NaNoWriMo write-in. After that, it's back to this end of the city to have supper with DH, then home to watch a movie, or a couple of episodes of Babylon 5.

Edited to add... I just got a call from the coordinator at work. He's redone the schedule right through till next July, and I don't have to come in tomorrow! :D I'm not back in until Thursday at 10:30am, and I'm already scheduled for next Tues, Wed, Thurs, and Fri off, which means there's NO conflict having to swap days when Dbro and Dsisinl arrive next week!! :D :D Yep...I'm a happy villager right about now. :lol: 8-) :lol:
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Re: New Month November

Postby Harmony » Tue Nov 01, 2011 5:03 pm

LOL MT, see I was really confused about today being Wednesday, that's why I thought you were moving today.

Got sidetracked, 1/2 LOL did not get hung outside, so I hung it inside.

Went to bank and another store. Traffic is getting heavy. Snowbirds, no doubt.

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Re: New Month November

Postby Emptynester » Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:45 pm

Back from lunch - had my siesta - packed 3 more boxes from the shed. Couldn't finish the last one as my back was yelling at me - so I am in my chair with a DDP (Diet Dr. Pepper).

I smell like a candle shop as I was moving some of my candle supplies. My sister gave me two VERY STRONG Yankee candles that I was going to use with lots of plain wax to try to cut down on the smell. That was two years ago and I haven't done it yet.

Rest time over - time to get that last box done!
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Re: New Month November

Postby Harriet » Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:04 pm

Earlier, HRH came to tell me my ddad wanted to go for a walk and he (HRH) had already taken off his shoes and put on lounge pants. So I went for a walk with him and as I opened the front door, realized it was set on hysterical alarm (ouch) rather than chime. So I reached up and mistakenly turned it off rather than to chime as I intended. Just now from the rear of the house I faintly heard the front door closing and I just KNEW something was wrong, so rushed to the front of the house to find my ddad walking toward his room, saying, "I put that cat out of here!"

GASPPP! Tobias has never been outside - would never go willingly - and Sammie has never seen Tobias. So I burst out the door as Tobias burst IN past my feet, hightailing it to the next room. About 5 feet away, Sammie was standing at attention trying to decide whether this new little animal was offered for supper or what. My ddad says he had no idea we kept the cats indoors, which is, of course, a pretty astonishing thing to hear him say. Dd came running when she heard me run, and I think she nearly fainted. :roll:

Phone call from neighbors saying they want to visit ddad tomorrow so I told them to come here instead. I'll need to spif the house.

Diet Dr Pepper - has anyone else's dh come home with the DDP that is "Not for Women"? Of course my dh brings in a 2-liter to tease me. None of us could stand more than a sip, though, and wondered if we were crazy. Dsil saw it while he was here and said he had thrown away most of a smaller one as well, thinking it tasted much worse than his regular DDP, which he actually likes. Dd31 took a sip and poured the rest down the sink.

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Re: New Month November

Postby bittersweet » Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:20 pm

I know it's not really funny, Harriet...but I can't help giggling at the mental picture of poor Tobias racing for the safety of the great indoors while poor Sammie stands all bewildered at the new furball in her world - snack? squeaky toy? Hmmm...what to make of it? :lol: We're just waiting for the final arrangements to be made, and then Brutus and Trudy will be off to their new home in the next few days. After having had them for 10 months, I'm going to miss them, but I know they're going to a great home where they'll have all the comforts of indoor living with access to outside in safety (a large fenced compound).

Now, I need to find the BGS and get myself off this darn chair! If nothing else, I'd like to get the stuff picked up off the bedroom floor and start the vacuuming in there before we head out for supper.
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Re: New Month November

Postby Emptynester » Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:51 pm

Oh!! I've got the dontwannas and the dontknows. I dontwanna pack any more 'cause I dontknow what to do with all the CARP!!!

IF I didn't have so many crafts and keep all this junk for them it would be much easier. But I do and it isn't.

I know - I know - get back out in the shed and pack. Take the junk and figure it out when you get there.

BYE!!! :mrgreen:
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