Remembrance Friday

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Remembrance Friday

Postby bittersweet » Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:37 am

Whether you call it Remembrance Day or Veterans' Day, please set aside a few minutes today to remember those who have, do, or will serve in our armed forces to protect the lives and freedoms we hold so dear.

I'm up ridiculously early, so I'll open the village and lay out a cyber feast of muffins, pastries, fruit, and all sorts of drinks - everything from iced water to coffee to juice, milk, tea, and even some chocolate milk. All is calorie/fat/carbohydrate free, as always! :D
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Re: Remembrance Friday

Postby bittersweet » Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:57 am

Yesterday's visit with dBro and dSisinl was wonderful! We sat and chatted about everything from the European economy to remembrances of silly childhood happenings. They'll be leaving for S*katoon on Sunday, and will be back here in a couple of weeks, so we'll have at least one more chance to get together before they head back to England.

Much of my l*st for chore bingo didn't get done yesterday, so I crossed off what did get done, and added a few more to bring it back to 10 items. I'll work on the list throughout the day, along with a few other things such as errands and writing. First, though, I think I'll take dchiweenie for a short car ride to treat myself to a coffee at Timmie's and a couple of raisin tea biscuits.
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year." Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Remembrance Friday

Postby OKay » Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:12 am

Good Morning!

Bittersweet = #4 :)

I finished yesterday strong with catching up on SHE cards. I am still behind, but can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am going to continue working them and have a hope to get caught up in the next couple of days.

Last night I spent a couple hours with DParents and will return this morning. DMom has decided to pull DDad completely off the morphine.........................

This morning I've rearraigned one side of the living room (my focus area for the week) and cleaned underneath everything. I am continually amazed how fast the dust can accumulate!! I guess I can be happy it is content and sit around waiting for me to show up. :lol:

today is the day that Indiana is coming home from the hospital
today is holiday (in US) and school is out.
today we honor our veterans. 11-11-11 @ 11:00am In many parts of the world, people take a two-minute moment of silence at 11:00 a.m. local time as a sign of respect for the roughly 20 million people who died in the war. Veterans Day is on 11 November and commemorates the armistice signed between the Allies of World War I and Germany, which took effect at eleven o'clock in the morning—the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" of 1918.
Last edited by OKay on Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Remembrance Friday

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:18 am

Do you want a number, Bittersweet?

Heading to work again today. Long day, dh is planning to go to services tonight and wants me to go. I may back out, but don't tell him that.
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Re: Remembrance Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:53 am

I'm up and on the treadmill.

We got to bed at a good time last night and I slept the night through. I made dh take an a d vil before bed and think that might have helped my sleep!

Dd posted the app she wrote (for computers not smart phones) so I played with that. It allows you to calculate your baby's due date but also marks off each trimester and special dates in that time. Plus 36 weeks onwards so you know when you can't fly. If today was the first day of her last period, I'd be a grandma the first week of August. (The General Council of our denomination is in this city the second week of August and I want to volunteer for the hospitality, but can't if I'm not here at the time.)

Ds will probably do a border run today and I'm thinking of going with him since it would be great to get cheap groceries. Regardless, I need to hit a grocery store today to make up a giant veggie and dip tray for a wedding lunch I'm helping cater tomorrow. And tonight I have to help set up the church basement for the luncheon.

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Re: Remembrance Friday

Postby Lilac » Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:12 am

(((Harriet))) I hope the migraine is gone. Before I hit menopause I had migraines from 1992 til 2006. I could not lift my head off the pillow without being nauseous. I would lay in bed not listening to the radio or watching TV. I just couldn't stand any noise whatsoever. I always feel for anyone suffering from migraines.

I am up and ready to go. I started in with the tummy trouble again this am. After several doses of P epto, I hope I am good to go.

Called dd2. Her dh is still in bed and dgd2 is still asleep. She was getting ready to leave with the other 4 kids. I told her to call when she is headed home and I will head out there. Dd2 and her family are all night owls. Now she will have to get up earlier and drive them into school everyday. I just don't think this will work for the long haul but she might fool me. It will help when dgd15 starts to drive. The area they have moved to is backed up by sagebrush. Therefore, snakes, rats, coyotes, deer and mice are a problem. The seller told them they had never had snakes in the house. That one of the neighbors had a rattler in their yard once. That they had only 6 snakes since they have been there 8 years, except for a large bull snake that hung around for several years and they keep away mice and other snakes. He said that they had never had a mice problem. I didn't remind dd2 that they had the largest house cat that I have ever seen. Dd2 has commented that if creatures are a problem, that might drive them back to town. I commented to her dh yesterday that we aren't letting her entertain the idea of moving again. He said "I'm not saying that". Dd2 said "aw I'm rubbing off on him and he loves moving now". Until he met her he'd only lived in 4 places in whole life. The home he grew up in, 2 apartments while in college and the house at the farm.

Dd2 and her dh used a new realtor that she had worked with in high school. He was so green that he cost them some money. He told them that the refrigerator came with the house plus the fancy wet bar fridge. It didn't. Now they have to replace them. Our contract specifically said all appliances stay except the washer and dryer. The wet bar fridge in the house we are buying is shot, so they are buying 2 of those and the new fridge. Eek! Here she was trying to help him out and it bit her. But she wanted this house so bad that she just jumped into it because there was another offer on the table.

I will be helping dd2 all day but plan to be home by 6. I need to do laundry and spiff up this place because dm will be here tomorrow. I already told dd2 that if grandma is bossy just to agree and not have an attitude because her grandma didn't have to come and help her out. Those 2 are a lot alike and really butt heads. They would never believe how much they are alike!

Time to head out..................

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Re: Remembrance Friday

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:45 am

DH and I just got back from breakfast. Think I'm tired of going for breakfast (already). Think that's it for several days -at least as far as I'm concerned. To say nothing of the fact that dh has grabbed the bill each time we've gone out -let's see that's nearing $90 for breakfasts this week -can't keep up that pace. :?

DGD13 called last night and is really looking forward to coming home on Monday. My prayer is that things have really changed in her life -enough for her to enjoy being home and for all of us to be somewhat tranquil.

DH is planning to go to school to work on dd's class's float this afternoon (they do have school here, but dsil is off work from the city). DD has always had school on Veteran's Day, but DS-$, DDIL & DGS6 (nope that's 7 as of today!) all have the day off up north.

We're planning to go to the Gulf for 3 days a couple of days after Thanksgiving with DBIL/DSIL. I'm not really looking forward to it as we pretty much sit all day for the length of our stay. And DSIL has become so argumentative that it's not enjoyable being around her too much. So negative!

Should get busy and do something I guess. Think I left one container that I need at home. Going to go look in the car.
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Re: Remembrance Friday

Postby Harriet » Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:49 am

bittersweet, you opened beautifully this morning, and OKay thank you for the additional historical information. That prompted me to put it in perspective for dd, and I explained that her grandmother (my mother) and twin, who would now have turned 96, would have been 1 week old that day. It must have seemed such an optimistic time for their little family that day.

Indiana, you are on our minds! Lots of ongoing gratitude on my part to Emptynester and Kathryn.

All best wishes for dgd's homecoming, Dee.

Wow, Lilac such a lot to think about, and marathon physical work - but you and dd will both end up happy and she will redeem a lovely home. Have you considered taking probiotics for the recurring tummy troubles. I take a capsule of PB8 every day and have gotten HRH and dsonil doing it, too. It's carried at 2 different stores within 10 minutes of me. Last night as I lay in bed nauseated, I finally thought to ask dd13 to bring me the papaya chewable tablets. We have Super Papaya brand here. I believe they were ultimately helpful, after 5-10 minutes, and I got to sleep. Trying to convince myself to chew them at that time - not so easy! A foolish thing I did when suspecting a headache was to drink some chocolate milk - that seemed to be a trigger of amazing proportions!

lucylee, the unfolding news events you mentioned were in my dreams while sleeping after the migraine, playing better scenarios, "what if"s of better things happening in the timeline. If only I were allowed to run the Time Machine, but Wells kept that to himself, didn't he.

Wow, Kathryn! "there's an app for that" never seemed so delightful.

Today is Mt. Washmore for me.

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Re: Remembrance Friday

Postby OKay » Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:08 am

I'm declaring a break time. I've been making good progress this morning with over 40 cards completed.

LO has never been one to eat in the morning, but I can see a change happening. The last few mornings he has joined us eating breakfast. This morning was turkey bacon, eggs over easy then covered with melted cheese dip. Sounds a bit weird I guess, but it was a huge hit with LO & DH taste buds. I'll give LO a banana is a bit to get him started on daily fruits intake.

Last night I put a pinto beans on to soak in the pressure cooker. When I woke up this morning, it just took a couple minutes to add seasoning and get them started cooking. Set the timer for 45 minutes and let them cook while doing AM cards. They had cooled down enough to do a taste test when cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast, they turned out YUMmy!

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Re: Remembrance Friday

Postby Emptynester » Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:42 am

I've got to get a pressure cooker - Mom had several of them and I loved the food coming out of them. I think I had one when we first got married - but I don't remember what happened to it.

Today is a redo the cupboards day. As I unpack more things and bring more over from the MH, I realize I didn't do a good job of stocking two of the upper cabinets. They are over packed and spices and other condiments are not accessible. So everything comes out and will be sorted and put back.

I also want to work outside today. I want to do some raking and pruning. DH has the batteries charged up for the saw so we will see how it goes.

Next up is breakfast, S2crocs and meds. TTFN
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