Health and Fitness, November 2011

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Harriet » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:51 pm

Nancy, your mention of that shake got me interested and I had one. The unsweetened coconut milk makes the smoothie/shake somewhat thinner than I'm used to, and slightly less sweet (I am used to unsweetened almond milk). One cup of the milk is 50 calories while almond milk is 40. But as I read the carton, good grief this stuff is healthy, isn't it? it made a nice breakfast. (have you thought about making choc pudding/pie with this milk? Might be good!) I am always in favor of home video exercising. This one looks very strenuous, especially with the fast moves while holding weights - I personally would probably not keep that up.

This morning the scale couldn't decide at first :roll: but finally admitted I've lost 5 pounds in 2 months! Yay! 2.5 pounds a month. It doesn't sound so great, but if it were an annual basis that would have been 30 pounds a year, so the big picture is positive.

Now I have 18 days before my dfirstinlaw's Christmas party, so that's big Calendar Event Goal motivation for next month! :idea: Especially exercise motivation. I may only be able to lose about 1.5 pounds more, but I can be more toned, have better posture and look maaaavelous.

For lunch I fried a frozen almond grain vegetable patty and put it on lettuce and a little mustard. Though it was surprisingly tasty, I'm not satisfied, so I'll probably have a mid-day snack pretty soon.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Nancy » Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:10 pm

I found coconut milk at w-mart today in a can dd has the protein powder I can have yea saved me $14 and change. She suggested the $1 store for a pedometer. Plus she has wts. I can borrow that are more. Now just to find a gazelle.

Walked today at the store and on my regular route.
House cleaning for show counts for some thing.

Got my foods entered in to the sp [sparkpeople] for the last two weeks. Of course thanksgiving I was over but only for a couple days yea!

Got this one from dr. Oz's fb page.
1 cup Greek yogurt
1/3 cup almonds
½ cup berries
Mix in blender.

sp had a pumpkin/squash smoothie that seems interesting.

I just read the PINK diet is not recommended for those with diabetes.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:05 am

I weighed myself before getting on the treadmill and I finish the month with 3 lbs down.

So much for being in the 140s by my cruise. I'll be lucky if I'm in the 150s by then.

On the other hand, it is down 5 pounds over 2 months, just like Harriet. And I will admit to not writing everything down. As Harmony said, that works well.

Because of my jaw my fruits and veggies are way down this month as well. I can't just grab an apple (I have to cut it up small and nibble on the slices) and my daily staple of two or more raw carrots is simply not manageable. I can do celery, peppers and cukes if I nibble and I grate carrots up but it is more work and I'm very, very, lazy when it comes to food prep.

I might add a cabbage to my grocery list and make up a cabbage salad (no dressing so it isn't coleslaw.) Dr. Weil is big on cabbage for anyone with breast cancer risk and I do love that and would be able to manage it, I think.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby OKay » Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:30 am

Cheering for those who have worked so hard and are seeing continual success!

Final check-in for this month = I'm 2 lbs below doctor recommended weight and 1 lb below my goal weight for this month. I am highly motivated to maintain this weight loss even though life is bumpy right now. Six months ago I would have given myself "permission" to eat whatever I wanted while spending so many hours at the big city hospital and during the Thanksgiving holiday. My thinking has changed and I look for ways to eat healthy no matter what is happening. I give myself permission to "waste" unhealthy food by feeding it to the critters instead of eating it. This is a HUGE change in thinking for me.

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Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby Nancy » Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:00 pm

Today getting ready for a home showing here and cleaning @ dd's will be my exercise. I've swept leaves from the drive way porch steps and deck.

:idea: :idea: :idea: If you can take walk outside at dusk or after to see the lights for a change in your routine I did that last night it was very refreshing & invigorating and what a delight to see the lights as I'd forgotten all about holiday lighting! :idea: :idea: :idea:


Re: Health and Fitness, November 2011

Postby albana » Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:15 pm

I love your idea of going for a walk at dusk! It changes up my routine and keeps me interested. I mean, who doesn't love to look at the twinkling lights? It's so hard for me to stay on track during the holidays. I just want to eat yummy food and stay warm. But kudos for keeping up with your workouts and trying to stay healthy. I wonder, can I use an health savings account to pay for walking shoes?

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