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Postby DeeClutter » Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:34 am

I'm up but that's about all I can say. DH & DSIL have gone to the flea market. We left a mess in the kitchen and I promised to clean it up this morning. If I'm going to do that, I need to get moving. Have to leave by 9am for church.

It's really time for dgd to go back to school. She's been showing 'signs of old' the last couple of days or so. DD/DSIL bought her all kinds of things to keep her busy but so far she's done none of it. Her room is gorgeous but that doesn't seem to be helping much. Hoping that getting back to school will perk her up and get her back on track.

Have a wonderful start to the New Year, everyone! DS-A called about 12:05 to wish us a Happy -we were in bed and I had to go 'fetch' the phone. Have mine charging in the bathroom in a drawer(so it doesn't get wet). :D We had talked to DS-R a little earlier in the evening. He had to work last night so they were making an early night of it (at DS-A's family). Glad that they could all get together.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby atlanticflyer » Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:57 am

morning Dee! i fell alseep on the couch at 10 pm and woke when youngest, playing his X-box wished me a happy new years :lol:

was up at 5;45 to get oldest off to work, prayed without ceasing while he got ready and headed out and while he ws on the highway, it is very icey. went back to bed for a bit and woke to a phone all from the head of the church management team cancelling church. i think hubby ws supposed to make the call to cancel but oh well. said his driveway is like a bottle. roads seem fine now but most driveways are a mess (2 hours working on a bulletin, searching stores for welches grape juice and all for naught :roll: ) I will get hubby to get us some salt/sand mix when he is up and about, i added a bag of salt to it last night but it needs more.

I like that twins and maybe a few others put their year in review with the highlights so here is mine. winter was a blur of shovelling. sping brought renewal of my work contract for two years and oldest too his drivers ed. summer meant teaching oldest to drive and meeting Kathryn and Ken in person. fall was running oldst to get his license, get him enrolled in community college and accepted. this month was car accident and new to me car. during the year i battled my COPD and finnaly got my astma diagnosis, hubby was diagnosed with neurapathy and diabetes. hoping 2012 bring personal growth and dare i hope prosperity?

I am proud of oldest, he is becoming a Canadian winter driver, and shows little fear (frsutration yes)

okay off to do something constructive like laundrey

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:27 am

Good morning!

I'm up but slow moving. My "dniece" is up and I hear other movements. Muffins and clementines are on the table, tea and coffee things are on the counter, dishes are out of the dishwasher and drain rack. I'm s2s and having my own tea.

2011 was a delightful year of being home. We did travel for 3 months of the year but only one long trip and then shorter trips. And we were home for long stretches so I got back into routines.

I enjoyed watching ds mature more this year.

Dd is in a holding pattern and that's painful for me to watch since I feel her disappointment but she'll have to learn that's how life goes. Her godparents had a talk with her about life's curves yesterday, pointing out all the things they thought would happen and then life changing things. There are days when I think dd has the best godparents in the world.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:29 am

Today will be a waffle meal at some point, guests leaving at some point and just dd and dnephew for dinner.

Dd goes tomorrow at lunch and I'll take dnephew into the university on Tuesday when I go to volunteer. Which means I should be planning some meals.

About half the new calendars are up on the wall. Just my creative room, laundry room and guest bathroom to go. I don't have one for the bathroom or laundry room at the moment but more will be sure to arrive from overseas so I'll just wait.

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Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:34 am

Good morning, dear friends!

I'm up and getting ready for church.

I have happiness and anticipation, optimism over the recordkeeping I am putting in place for various aspects of my life in 2012. I even sat up and read some of Sidetracked Home Executives last evening, this morning begins my "new" (1970s) devotion book.

My hopes for ((((all of you)))) are high!

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Postby atlanticflyer » Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:16 am

thanks Harriet and to you too!

Kathryn i only have the one calendar this year, we don't get the freebies like we used to. Glad Dd has great godparents to counsel her

waiting for hubby to decide when to go and get some sand/salt. would love to get that chore over with so I can concentrate on relaxing, I don't relax well :roll:

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Postby Emptynester » Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:44 am

Good Morning and Happy New Year.

One of my goals is to post more here even if my computer doesn't cooperate.

So far I got a pleasant surprise when my BS was 3 points below my goal this morning. :D I am keeping a log of BS, BP and weight now and will be exercising to get things in line.

We went to our first party in years last night. And, we even saw the new year in at midnight. Our host and hostess are in their 80's and we couldn't let them beat us.

I twisted my right knee just before midnight (the one I hurt years ago) and it is puffed up like a balloon. I can't put weight on it so I am using a stool as a crutch. Looks a little bit funny but at least I can move around. It was really dumb as all I was doing is stepping over a barrier to keep the dog from going outside - but stepped funny and I'm paying for it. Told them sometimes I think I am 17 instead of 70 and do dumb things.

Time to find breakfast. TTFN
It’s never too late to be what you might have been.
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”
― C.S. Lewis

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Postby atlanticflyer » Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:22 pm

ouch MT, hope you can take that swelling down, WTG on the BS! I like to post here but always feel inadequate as my posts aren't nearly as long as everyone elses, I am just not able to sit and type that long

okay eating lunh, HOPEFULLY hubby and I will soon be heading out for salt and sand

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Postby Nancy » Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:48 pm

{{{EN}}} Dee joining you in the kitchen clean up this morning. Left some of the prep. work from cheese dip to clean up this morning. So I'm going to be doing that during commercials I see Star wars movie is on that I've not seen.

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Postby cathyy » Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:52 pm

Huh. Against all odds we actually stayed up until midnight last night, and saw the New Year in. Sweetie hopes for a much better year than last! I'm just feeling so thankful for all the good things in my life, especially my Sweetie and our new home.

The winter storm hasn't hit yet, but it's coming, as the winds have suddenly picked up. We are supposed to get 50-60mph winds!

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