Friday Conga PWYC

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Friday Conga PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:14 am

Conga through the day in style!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Friday Conga PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:16 am

Another long workday here - glad I have nothing else on my calendar except for work today, although I will come home at lunch time to take Moe out to potty. I'll leave around 8 for work, and dh and I (separately) won't be home until probably 9 p.m. and it's too long to leave him in. I miss having ds home from school at 3 p.m. or so - last year he would let them in and out as needed once he got home.

I wouldn't say that I'm seeing daylight at work, but I've worked my way through a backlog this week and can finally start on new returns - some of which I've had a week already w/o starting. The next big deadline is March 15 and I'm in decent shape with almost three weeks still.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Friday Conga PWYC

Postby bittersweet » Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:42 am

I'm up and at 'em ridiculously early again this morning. Fortunately, the worst of this cold finally seems to be over. I'm still not 100%, but at least I feel human again..LOL

We're under a snowfall warning here - they're forecasting a good six inches or so of the fluffy white stuff :roll: Of course, this happens on a day I have errands to run! Since I already knew it was supposed to snow a fair bit this weekend, I was planning to make a quick grocery run this morning to stock up on a few basics. Now I also have to get halfway across the city to take four kittens for their spay/neuter and shots. They should be off for adoption by the end of the weekend. Next Tuesday, Molly, Sebastian, and Francis go for their spay/neuter and shots, and should also be off for adoption by then end of the following weekend. I'm really looking forward to this...I need a break from kittens!!!

DH should be home from work in the next hour or so, and I suspect that DS won't be going into work until later in the day. I'm thinking that I should get a bit of work done upstairs before DH wants to sleep. That way, I also won't wake up DS snoozing away down in the dungeon. First though...I'm going to have another coffee, and watch a bit of YouTube (I'm watching a four part documentary on the Ancient History of Britain).

Oh criminy!!! I just realized what the other errand is that I have to do this morning! I managed to catch Miss Sniffany's groomer online on faceb**k last night, and made arrangements to take her in for a bath and haircut! Of course, the groomer is NOT in the same direction as the vet! :roll: Depending on how tired DH is, I may be able to get him to take the dog's not far...just in a different direction that I wanted to go, and with the snow already falling, I don't want to be out any more than necessary today.

- strip/remake bed
- bleach soak big kennel
- vacuum foster room
- clean off/wipe down DH's computer desk
- remove large empty TV box from spare room
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Re: Friday Conga PWYC

Postby helia » Fri Feb 24, 2012 9:36 am

Good morning! I just wanted to thank you for your kind words yesterday. I'll try to pop in now and then to let you know all is well in helialand. :) I don't like the fact that I can so easily get sucked into this machine when my time would be best spent elsewhere. Again, my issue, not you ladies' - except you are all so darn interesting and gracious!!

We got snow last night, maybe 1 or 2 inches. It is beautiful outside! I hope to make it to WW this morning. Dh's bday dinner is tonight, so I'll need to prep for that. He has requested cheese fondue and chocolate souffle. . . . . I ran to the groc. store last night - in case this storm was a big one, so I already have most ingredients, but I do need to walk over to Whole Foods and grab a couple more items. I wonder if they have kirsch for the fondue?

Dh got safely home last night, before the storm!

I need to get on the stick prepping for teaching next week and leading small group tomorrow. I didn't get much done in those areas yesterday.

Have a great day! I'll be conga-ing alongside you ladies. Lots of laundry to do here today too.

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Re: Friday Conga PWYC

Postby Emptynester » Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:34 am

Well, we had and abrupt left turn yesterday. While working in the yard, the trailer tongue fell off its block. DH and I tried to lift it and I heard something pop in his back. So we headed to the ER.

Xrays showed nothing skeletal happened - that it is probably a pulled muscle but he is in a bit of pain. He was OK last night (after a shot and 3 pills) so didn't want me to fill the prescriptions - but this morning is a different story so I'm off to the pharmacy as soon as it opens. I've given him some Tylenol and an ice pack.

Just glad he didn't get another compression fracture.

Will be back later to CUOP.
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Re: Friday Conga PWYC

Postby Lilac » Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:05 am

(((Mr. MT))) I absolutely cringed as I read about his back injury.

Going to buy some groceries this morning. When I am done, I hope to be able to clean, starting where I left off yesterday.

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Re: Friday Conga PWYC

Postby Harriet » Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:17 am

I don't like the fact that I can so easily get sucked into this machine when my time would be best spent elsewhere. Again, my issue, not you ladies' - except you are all so darn interesting and gracious!! - helia

I have been "sucked in" to a couple recent news stories (not "top" ones). Though I truly want to be well-informed, I realize that too much of it online takes time away from my life and keeps me from accomplishing those things that will be meaningful to me. Part of it is that immediately following online articles, comments are taken and that is true for the most respected outlets as much as any others. For a moment or two, I will notice real, intelligent conversation to which I could see myself contributing. Eventually it deteriorates into ugliness, though. So that is a waste of my time, trying to respond to thoughtful comments on news stories, but being drowned out by foolishness. Everybody is not like: "you ladies....all so darn interesting and gracious"

I am sitting with my hair up, having visited my colorist as planned. I don't know that HRH still believes trying to shop for tv headphones with my ddad after the barber is a good idea. My ddad is not having as good a day as he was yesterday when they planned this.

Dd13 has two important tests today and I helped her study last evening and this morning. Bless her heart - tests. They turn on a dime when she gets nervous or goes too fast, and she is definitely nervous.

((Emptynester and Mr. Emptynester)) I hope the prescriptions help a lot and this is no big deal.

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Re: Friday Conga PWYC

Postby Nancy » Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:51 am

I did my conga-ing last night mopped the floors, picked up the living room and other hot spots, got the table cloth changed and sinks & counters are cleaned yea!

"The Help" was okay not awesome, I thought they should have been less mysterious about MLK's death and shooting for young folks that did not know about that it assumed too much. IMO

I've been sorting out some things pens this week from a tote that I stored in the craft zone down stairs after moving the desk last summer when they were doing the floors. Leaky pens tossed, dead ones too and the ones that skip; boy that felt productive. I found 'em while searching for kiddie paint brushes for dgd to use. I'd been looking for a over week so glad I had 'em here and had not de-cluttered those! She was delighted!

Dd gave notice at her Pier One job as she is getting her certificate for Zumba and wants to pursue that instead.

B.S. was okay today coffee is great.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Friday Conga PWYC

Postby BookSaver » Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:11 pm

Good morning, villagers ~

Harriet ~ I'm glad you're having the chance to "visit your colorist" and a little relaxation.

I haven't decided whether or not to try to go anywhere this afternoon. The main roads should be cleared enough to be safe, but it's still an awful mess out there. We got a lot of snow and all of the schools in the area have had a late start. Probably the deciding factor will be later this afternoon -- how much will I need to shovel today vs. will it be warming up enough this weekend to melt? Because I'm really NOT in the mood to shovel snow right now.

I just made 2 DPCs and confirmed what I suspected about my doctor's office and last appointment. They insisted that I go to the office to discuss lab results (normal tests for cholesterol etc.) rather than telling me the numbers over the phone. Guess why? Go ahead, guess why?

So they could charge my insurance company as much as if I'd gone in for a full physical exam! They charged more than the lab that did all of the actual work!!

I talked to the insurance claims person to make sure that it hadn't been coded incorrectly by mistake. She said it was the correct code for a generic office visit.

So let's recap here ... I had to take time off work (note that I only get paid for the hours I'm on site), drive an hour round trip, wait in the waiting room, wait in the exam room, and pay a co-pay ... for a 10 minute discussion during which the doctor could not answer most of my questions. For bloodwork numbers that could have been given to me over the phone in less than 3 minutes. So they could charge the insurance company what I consider a huge amount of money. :x :evil: :twisted:

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Re: Friday Conga PWYC

Postby Harriet » Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:04 pm

Wow, BookSaver. There is an office manager of the doctor's group, perhaps, who is making these decisions? Or is pressing doctors to get as much money as possible from each event? A letter from you calling them on this and telling exactly how much it cost YOU in terms of $ and time might be good. However if your call to ins co has not fallen on deaf ears, they may be doing this work for you! Insurance companies don't like this kind of thing, for sure. I'd like to see you find dr(s) closer to home. (This from the woman who drove 1.5 hours round trip to the dentist yesterday.)

HRH made the decision to come home after the barber. My ddad can't really manage more than one errand outside the house. He is napping now. I don't think he would have been able to fathom a Best Buy and choose between items, walk so much more.

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