Health and Fitness May, 2012

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Re: Health and Fitness May, 2012

Postby Indiana » Sun May 27, 2012 11:58 am

OKay I wanted to add you are eating healthy just a little too much sodium for now with higher temperatures.

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Re: Health and Fitness May, 2012

Postby Nancy » Sun May 27, 2012 8:55 pm

Today I walked after the buffet remembered what some said about ham having sodium in it so skipped that. I sawed off a tree branch in the evening yesterday for some additional exercise.
Today I'll be moving the limbs to the front yard in to the trailer.
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Re: Health and Fitness May, 2012

Postby Lynlee » Mon May 28, 2012 5:52 am

health tests today - results were ok.
I was out 11 hrs. 6 hrs at the clinic mostly waiting in the room full of people for my turn with the next bit.
mammogram and doc exam, ultrasound and maybe 2 hrs later the all clear you can go pay the bill.

I've gotten myself off track diet wise.
little beginnings balloon on.
Shared some cake and cream with another lady after church. The bother was I hadn't eaten before church.
Today I bought a milk choc bar on the train platform. Though I had resisted the cake and biscuits during all the waiting today.
Added apricot jam to a defrosted gf hot cross bun for dessert tonight.
My big day of waiting about not eating as per normal have caught up with me. I ate a lesser version of breakfast when I got there. I had taken my normal lunch but not eaten it. Then just had the banana waiting for a train. Dinner was serve of mince and veg (precooked) on GF pumpkin bread. then the hot cross bun.
Just begin.
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Re: Health and Fitness May, 2012

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon May 28, 2012 8:46 am

OK: I'll echo that sleep affects weight. As does water, to help get rid of the sodium. Don't underestimate the power of healthy fat - if your body doesn't think it is starving, it will shed excess calories rather than store them. Many people, me included, find low fat milk helps me lose weight, which puts me at odds with a lot of 'nutrition/diet' experts. So I easily maintain having 2 glasses a day and not increased weight loss at 3. Of course, having that much milk usually means there isn't room in my diet for cheese (so that cuts my sodium intake.)

The bacon and ham stood out to me. I'd say one or the other would be fine but both were too much.

I'm doing better today as far as heart rate. Harriet I have two receivers and three different input bands and they all tend to agree. So it isn't technology.

The indigestion felt like a built up of pressure at the top of my tummy (making me want to belch to relieve it) so I'm guessing I was reducing my effort because of that. I drink water while working out and that seemed to sit 'on top' of the pressure point so I was drinking less that usual.

Today, I haven't started the day with indigestion. I'm wondering if it was stress over getting dh off on his trip (I don't have to travel on his insane routing but was worried for him.)

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Re: Health and Fitness May, 2012

Postby OKay » Mon May 28, 2012 9:33 am

Keeping health & fitness first. Although you couldn't prove it by the scales.

Another 1.6 lbs gained!! That makes 8 lbs this month!!!!!!!!!!! Obviously I'm doing something that I'm not aware of that is causing this continual gain.
I have tried not weighing each day, but it was like giving myself a "get out of jail free pass" to do whatever I wanted without consequences.

Yesterday exercise = 1 hour pushing a old fashion manual lawn mower in 90+ degree heat. Heart rate was definitely up. Another hour spent gardening (squatting, pulling, etc) Plus the normal doings that comes with caring for a 3 year old - always on the move.

Sleep = 8 hours plus 30 minute nap.

Yesterday food/drinks =
Breakfast -1 egg, 1/2 slice cheese, 1 slice of bacon, 1/2 banana, 1/2 pear
Lunch = sauteed garden vegetables (broccoli, squash, onion, green pepper, green beans, carrots) topped with feta cheese & bacon bits
Supper = 1/2 order of General Tao chicken (no rice) & 2 helpings of steamed broccoli
snack = 7 chocolate covered raisins and tomato/bacon on skinny bread
Liquids = coffee, water, water, ice coffee, water, water, decaf coffee, water

The extra "snack" of bacon/tomato sandwich was a big blooper. Although, it was around 300 calories so not enough to cause the 1.6lb gain.

Alrighty! This is starting to make me mad. This isn't brain surgery. This is simple math. If I eat more calories than I burn up then I will gain weight. I'm going to have to get more information to see what is causing the weight gain.....because I honestly don't understand it. Today I'm going to start imputing intake into my handy-dandy spreadsheet that I previously used with success.

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Re: Health and Fitness May, 2012

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon May 28, 2012 10:11 am

Dh & I just did a two mile slow walk on the beach and then stopped off for the "Welcome" breakfast where I had 1/2 of a bagel w cream cheese and a pastry - and this was second breakfast! Did not need it and would have been better not to stop there, but once there I couldn't resist. Light rain has now started and is forecast for next two days. Wishing I had brought walking shoes to perhaps go to fitness center and use the treadmill - although if I had shoes I don't know if I'd go...
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Re: Health and Fitness May, 2012

Postby Indiana » Mon May 28, 2012 11:25 am

OKay you have a good idea to use your spreadsheet again. I still think it is the sodium. The chicken depending on whose it was can be a days worth of sodium plus 1/2 the next day. Then you add bacon and cheese and it adds up.

Are your clothes fitting tighter? If not do you think it is muscle - not 8 pounds worth but some of it?

Also careful with the water - drink more but not too much because of the amount of salt you are getting will make you retain even more.

Your garden is producing - have you thought of going to fruit, vegetables, dairy and some starch with protein and not adding salt to anything nor processed?

Please let us know what you discover.

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Re: Health and Fitness May, 2012

Postby Harriet » Mon May 28, 2012 12:03 pm

Lynlee, that seems like a very hard day but I'm glad you got it all accomplished. I don't think a chocolate candy is such a bad treat after taking care of all you had to do!

Twins, you are on vacation and your job is to rest, regroup, enjoy time with your husband. If you don't happen to get on a treadmill right now, well, that makes all the sense in the world! You are smart to get your thoughts down, though, and keep track of what you are doing and how you are feeling about it. The last time I was at a beach near your location I saw dolphins in-and-out of the water in see-saw formation on my early-morning walk. Now, that's an interesting wildlife sighting! Hope you are having a ball.

Restaurant (?) Oriental food equals 1.5 weight gain for me nearly every time, OKay, and it's certainly not the simple rice that does that, but the recipe. So, IMHO, on the one hand there is an answer today and it is temporary. (yay!) But on the other hand, Detective Indiana is narrowing down your suspects and sodium looks like the tall guy in the center of the line-up to me. That would be skewing your caloric counts and confusing you, definitely.

Little successes for me on this way of eating. I was up a half-pound after a 1,900 calorie day, then this morning I was down 1 pound after a 600 calorie day. Pleased.

Subway flatbread veggie
big salad with a nice avocado dressing
chocolate pudding

I can do this.

Of course, this is not new territory in my inexorable march from October yet :) so I don't have anything to report on the numbers front. Soon.

Calendar Event Goal - mini variation : Being into new territory and more by Father's Day and somehow managing to take this nice man out for a meal, looking reasonably festive while I do it.

Last evening I did the Basic workout.

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Re: Health and Fitness May, 2012

Postby Harmony » Mon May 28, 2012 5:15 pm

Harriet, what I was taking was generic rinitidine (I think that's how it's spelled) and that is the active ingredient in tagamet. I took that one cause I could get that really cheap in Sam s and if I took 2 a day, that was the same active ingredient that tagamet has. I lived much more comfortably back then. Now I'm uncomfortable all the time.

Wheat seems to be bothering me right now. I had broccoli for breakfast and lunch today. That's all. I can't keep eating like this. Dairy does not seem to bother me, though it does if I couple it with wheat anything.

The pneumonia does seem troubling as that hit you awfully bad. I always do a tums before bedtime, but don't know if it helps much. Last night I had to resort to the couch again where I could prop my head up. On the pillows I just squiggle down in my sleep and the acid wakes me. On the couch I stay put.

Now I've discovered if I'm rushing about, not bending or exercising even, it will seem to stir up the acid. It used to be just if I bent down or ate wrong. Could this even get any worse?

Maybe someday I will have some tests. After Medicare kicks in.

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Re: Health and Fitness May, 2012

Postby Harriet » Mon May 28, 2012 11:08 pm

Random thoughts, I know.

In that same SHAPE magazine I quoted last week, (May issue), there was a mention of chewing gum. Experts have disagreed on whether chewing gum was good for digestion. Anyway, a dr (sorry - didn't write it down) was quoted as saying there is no doubt now that gum IS recommended for acid reflux/heartburn/GERD because it 1) encourages the production of more saliva, which is the natural coating of the esophagus, and 2) it encourages the efficient digestion of food, so food might not remain in the stomach quite as long, and that would be helpful, too.

Harmony, HRH also takes a tums in the evening sometimes. He believes the wedge has caused his hip to start hurting, so he has had to stop using that to help him sleep.

General things that help my stomach/digestion continue to be the chewable papaya when needed and the morning probiotic daily before any breakfast. Do they specifically help AR? I think so - maybe it's not immediate but over the long term. I also consider papaya the first choice if dd has any tummy distress. (Super Papaya Enzyme Plus by American Health is the one I can find and it certainly does a good job.) Felt bad tonight after a supper that was too large I guess. Chewed 2 of the papaya and 10 minutes later I'd forgotten it.

wheat and AR - I think I mentioned once here that my dcousinMary's dh had the worst acid reflux experience of his life after a meal of whole wheat pancakes at a restaurant like an I HOP. He was trying to make a healthy choice and didn't even think of the AR implications. He said he eventually thought it was going to kill him. :shock: Our dVetNeighbor is convinced that a Paleo diet limiting grains will greatly help AR. She eats according to the Paleo diet and also says it is so good for the skin/complexion.

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