Health and Fitness July, 2012

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Lynlee » Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:32 pm

I am finding this interesting (GERD discussion) though its been a while since I was often bothered by what my dds called "colour burps". I do have currently what I had thought of as muscle strain - in stomach area - and wonder if it might be GERD like. I seem to get it during activities that I don't think should be a strain.I had prev blamed it on effort of gardening and using loppers - using one handles from leg, other with both hands to get enough umpf to cut the branches. Today I had it hanging sheets on line. I could understand if it were arms and shoulders complaining towards the end of lots of hanging, but this was mid riff - at the first one.
Does your discomfort present in this way?
Another possibility is a change in my buckwheat preparation methods. If might be more disagreeable to me. Not as well cooked.

That was interesting about the periodontal comment. Currently I have the roots exposed after they divide on one molar. I took a note of the probiotic and will see if I can chase it up. I recently had new xray of jaw/teeth done so it will be interesting to see if it can be reversed any. I'd so like it to be so.

I got the name of a dentist yesterday. If she still takes new patients, has a suitable hygenist, still doing work under a govt scheme - I'll get an appointment also a note from my doc for subsidised dental work.

I saw my new/old from years ago doc/gp yesterday. I think it will work out with him.
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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:46 am

Back on the treadmill after a 2 day absence. It will be a shortened workout today because I'm running late.

The temp outside became hotter than inside at 7 a.m. this morning. That's just really sad. The house seems very hot now (the a/c won't cool it to below 77 but since the humidity went up outside and we open the windows at night if outside is below 77, the humidity inside is getting bad too.) So I'm not sleeping well and am getting really cranky. Dh 'naps' for at least an hour each afternoon as he lies out (he turns every 10 min so can't get a deep sleep) so he is not as exhausted as I am so the contrast makes me feel even more out of control. Yesterday I lay down for 30 minutes while he was out (instead of doing the housework as I had planned.)

Today my heart rate is way higher than usual on the treadmill so I'm thinking it is the extreme heat. Thus I'll cut my workout short by 5 minutes.

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:31 am

Since moving I've taken the ddogs out and around the block several times a day for their needs - it occurs to me that's partly why my feet and legs are hurting as I've just been in flip flops part of the time. Need to remember to get on good shoes to take them out. The circle that we're on is flat so it's easy walking for me and for Mac. Must keep up this good habit, and they are enjoying also.

Ate my "usual" breakfast today for first time since move - shredded wheat w bran, milk and a banana. Have been eating way too much fast food.
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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Nancy » Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:12 am

Did two walks yesterday!
Saw a deer, and quial family w/ 4 yound and picked a hand full of black berries.

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Lynlee » Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:18 pm

yesterday I got myself some of those probiotics refered to in that reply .... not all of the ones she mentioned but the Lactobacillus Rhamnosus Lysate. There was an inpharmacy natropath who could convert it to Australian - I think LGG were the initials but can't be sure.. but the first 2 are listed on bottle. Its a powder and I choose to take lowest dose (1/4 tsp) before food - which will be 3-4 times a day. dose for under 12s is 1/4 tsp x 2 daily. Still taking the yoghurt - atm its a cows full milk Jalna Biodynamic. I'm guessing not approved by/for gerd people. No sheep youghurt in store atm.
After one dose before dinner last night my urine flow is much better this morning. Fingers crossed here. I'll watch for other changes.

great you have a doable walk there Twins. Dog walking certainly clears my cobwebs. dog propelled so as to try to walk beside and not haul on leash.

yoga today . trying all the moves as directed with thoughts of Arthur. There was a heavy lot of weights on a bar near me so I didn't want to try the falling in a heap thing. ok - skipped legs up the wall during meditation, and did use a boulster during pidgeon pose. My poor hammies during the backwards grab of foot folded back to butt. Supported on one forearm for that - I think. thankfully its not me taking class.
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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Harmony » Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:34 pm

Lynlee, my gerd pain is most always from my breastbone and upwards. I "feel" the acid in my throat at the base. The only time my midriff is uncomfortable is when I'm in the ocean. The pressure from the water makes me uncomfortable and somehow I know it is propelling acid upward. Can't describe the feeling, but I just "know". A major acute attack mimics what I think would be heart pain. If an antacid stops the pain I know I'm not dying. Scarey.

I hope the probiotic works for you. I'm interested in what you think of it.

Kathryn, we keep our temp at 80° and that keeps our humidity inside at an uncomfortable level. I think a lot of my tiredness during the day is from the heat & humidity inside. I have to fight the urge to sit down and sleep. Did much better when the kids were here and I had the temp down a few degrees.

Twins, I hope to be walking like you soon. If not this year, it is a goal for next, an everyday brisk walk. Hopefully.

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby lucylee » Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:33 am

Does this book y'all are talking about address the problem w/swallowing? My dmom has really been concerned with that lately. She went to the doctor about it, maybe saw an ENT doctor, but I can't remember what the told her. If this book offers any help with that problem, I'd like to tell her about it.
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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Harriet » Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:46 pm

Definitely addresses it, lucylee. Difficulty swallowing food, liquid or pills. Also discusses the sensation some people have of a lump in the throat.

The lead author is the doctor (a woman) who first studied laryngeal inflammation (throat, including voice and swallowing) at Wake Forest, when they proved the reflux was reaching the throat. She's the one who coined the term laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) and "silent reflux" (because some people don't even feel it in the chest). But she gives about 15 - 20 different reflux-related (either LPR or GERD) symptoms in common terms (all through the chest up to sinuses) and what doctors would call the conditions, all of which she says have just exploded in frequency since the 1970s.

I think what Lynlee is talking about is heartburn (she says a dr would call esophagitis) and/or chest pain (a dr would call esophageal spasm). About the milk, she suggests low-fat milk, Lynlee.

Her prescription is very much the same for anyone who is suffering from any of the reflux conditions - 2 weeks of no foods under 5 PH to allow the area to heal and to deactivate pepsin lingering in the esophagus and throat (this is part of the science of why we hurt). This would mean a lot of simple chicken, fish, turkey breast. Lowfat milk is fine. Oatmeal, bagels, English Muffins, whole grain breads. Rice, potatoes, pasta. Beans, all green veggies except peppers. Fruits - only melons, banana, ripe pears. Most vegetables are actually okay, but no onion, tomato, peppers. Adding ginger is good. If you must have coffee (it's better if you don't) only one cup per day with milk. No more than 2 tsp per day of any artificial sweetener. No sodas, fruit juices or carbonation of any kind. Absolutely, positively NO alcohol (opens the valve between esophagus and stomach).

After the 2 weeks (or if your problem is not very bad in the first place), she says go ahead and add in foods intelligently, having learned where their PH falls - that's where knowing that I can have a sweet apple but not an acid apple comes in, for instance. For someone who knows they have a predisposition to the problem, she would rather they have nothing below PH 4 even after their 2 weeks. (There are a lot of foods added in between PH 5 and 4, like lean meat infrequently. But colas? No, they are all so low! yikes)

She's got a lot of just really good ideas and knowledge (she is not young - in her fifties and a 30-year career at this). I believe her number one repeated rule is, "Do Not Eat Within Three Hours of Bedtime". She also says, "You could do worse than to eat a salad every day." "A complex carbohydrate is a good carbohydrate." About carbonation's effect on the stomach: "Please quit!" :? (not my favorite thing to hear) Oh, and she insists on 8 cups of water a day, so obviously I think she is WISE. :lol:

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Nancy » Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:19 pm

My exercise was picking berries today. :mrgreen:

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2012

Postby Lynlee » Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:29 am

I have become sensitive to touch around my lower throat - like Harmony mentioned I think. Front of windpipe, just above where collar bones come together. The stomach thing is different from heart burn. Not so painful. I do know heart burn, also the feels like something got stuck part way down thing.A bit like a dull ache has happened sometimes, but this seemed more like diaphram muscle strain - which may be connected. I didn't have that today hanging washing after 1.5 days of probiotic powder.
Also - I am thinking my digestion is improving already. Seems like it to me.

My current diet
fruit = pears, banana, dried fig, pawpaw / papaya, delicious apple.
no no no to peppers / capsicum, tomato, colours, flavours, preservatives, tea coffee, chocolate, gluten, dairy (mostly) potato, cabbage. (last 2 are peculiar to me. dairy and gluten are often a double. chocolate is heavy in amines) Casine is a problem.
I keep to low or moderate salicylatic acid. Not sure if thats the same as the ph mentioned in that book.
The fats in goat milk is different in that there is little "cream" that will rise to the top. The % fats is not that far different though. I guess if I have to it will just be no to milk, all milk. I will look at lower fat options though if I'm tempted ... though now I've found a probiotic that seems to hit the spot I might just skip the yoghurt as a trial. Maybe try again later. Do a challenge.

for salad and veg - most flavoursome is out. Peeling is important. Thick peeling. Even to peel continental cucumber.
think bland. Spices - mostly no.
Also the no added sugars/ sweeteners.
Also the fibromyalgia diet/ IBS suggestion on no to pulses beans lentils in addition to the low salicylates. Though everying thats out has been proved to need to be out.
So thats what I do atm. Will consider the milk of any type connection.
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