Oct. Cards 2012

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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:03 pm

feeling a little discouraged. I know it will pass. the house looks messy and full of dog hair. I know I am working but I don't have the gumption and energy I had when I was 20 :P I know it's all part of the ballgame. I have to look at the big picture rather than the immediate; I have dejunked again :lol: so much out of my house but I think my old feelings of "it should be done all at once" is creeping in rather than being appreciative of what I have done.

My whine is over :D makes me feel better

dw is leaking water... I knew this day was coming ;)

tomorrow: get Christmas stamps
put extra projects and books away
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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:43 am

-take car in for work at 9:00 am :D
-pick up Christmas stamps (they said they won't have them until tomorrow :arrow: , mail letters :D
-dd younger music tonight leave at 6:00 pm
- pick up car from shop :D

Trying to catch up on :arrow:

laundry washing 2 :D drying :D put away - 2 pile clean still on the dining room table
first load dh washed :D

1. ( :arrow: project) take all projects that I know in reality won't and can't be done all at once; keep out the projects 2 and put away rest and books I am not able to do at this time. :arrow: :arrow:

2. ( :arrow: project) cut down 1 rose bush for winter :arrow:

3. put away in basement (big project as we have a new rug being put in:
-empty cabinet that needs to be tossed (damaged when water heat broke) :D
- take ping pong table apart and bring up stairs
-put things from table away some :)
- move chair to back room (eventually paint) :arrow:
- figure out where to put things now that I don't have cabinet :D

4. Menu set up and make tomato soup and grilled cheese for dinner :arrow:

5. buy beef for mom's meal to make (also mushrooms) :arrow:

6. finish halloween decorating mostly done :D need to put halloween lights out in front (not much) and small table top mickey mouse haunted mansion (cute not scary) -

If I have time I would love to do a wood cutting for out in front but I think I need to do that in the summer. (I wonder how my brain doesn't think of these projects until the holiday :P ) decided it will be a summer project (put in card file and take picture)

eventually: find white and colored lights for decorating the trees out side
find place (permanent for vacuum cleaner etc.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Oct 10, 2012 6:58 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby Nancy » Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:17 am

Hang in there blessed.

I have an appt. in 45 min. will be brief here.
Combing hair as I cuop.

I too need to look up the lights I have here or had one year.

s2s is done.

Way to go on your progress Blessed and all who follow.

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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:34 am

have a wonderful day d nancy! I love the poofers
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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:35 am

I am going to TOTH this morning as I need to focus.
9:35 am
10:41 am getting dressed then errands
3:18 back from school and errands. needing a break and then try to focus. bought corn stalks (funny when I lived in the country - no one sold corn stalks - but here in the city it's a big thing... ) so corn stalks bought. I have lights ready to go up tomorrow.

5:51 dh and I took apart my large pine sewing cabinet (really large and heavy) as it become ruined by the water heater (found a mouse had been visiting it)
thank Goodness we have donated so much and reorganized two weekends ago as putting away the misc. from the cabinet was very easy. I couldn't have done it without dh's help and both dd's help in dejunking and reorganizing their stuff. I only have one box of misc. (so far lol)

now to drop off dd at music (if I can get her up) :mrgreen:

tomorrow: take down ping pong table (rug is being pulled up on Monday) new rug put in on the 19th
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Oct 10, 2012 6:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby Nancy » Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:38 pm

Wishing you every success with errands Blessed!
errands x
groc. shopping x
finish address & mail letters x
some walking done
appt. X went well paper work snafu fixed yea!

:idea: The early bird gets the marked down pies so those are in the freezer for the holidays or pot luck whatever comes next. Counting this for holiday prep.!

I noticed pies were a hit at the potluck; pumpkin bread disappeared at work on Mon. when h. took that in that was the plan! =D

It's his turn to take in sandwiches this week so I got fixins' for that.
One of the guys will only eat white bread so found that for $1.oo a loaf.

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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:17 pm

Great on getting those pies and putting them in the freezer - are they fully cooked and how do you bake them when the holidays come?
Glad your pumpkin bread was such a hit dnancy. also great job on getting the fixings.
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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby Nancy » Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:44 pm

Yep pies are fully cooked. That's how I " do " pies! LOL!

Back from my walk dgson came with today. 8-) Sunny and warm out today.

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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Oct 10, 2012 6:50 pm

how long and at what temp do you cook them then?
glad today was a wonderful walk! dnancy
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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:20 am

October 11, 2012 jonas brothers cd is out and I will get that for dd as a surprise (it's not - but I tried :D )
piano and pilates for dd younger

Yesterday dh and I took apart a cabinet - (originally I was going to paint it and do something original on it - 13 years ago.- today we are tossing it as it got hit with water damage) At first I thought about being sad that "I didn't" to the project I planned on and that I procrastinated. (yes I should have done it but having multiple projects going always at once, the house and school and of course children - I was dreaming high in the sky - I had too much on my plate - I see that on hoarders a lot - the dreams of plans (including tons of crafts and projects), and the realities of time available are two different things). In truth, today, I can look at it as another item that isn't nice any more and doesn't work for us, going out the door. (dh and I are beginning to see that times do pass and things change - what worked in our life before may not work today and that just because we tend to see "it's still good" when the reality the item is kind of shot. We always want to fix it "one day" lol.

todays goal: doing another group of :arrow: (those marked with 2 first)

Much more positive today! :D I dislike when I get in a bit of a funk.

:arrow: missed
we moved the pieces of the cabinet out to curb :D

goals: even if I get one done it will be a plus

floors washed and rugs vacuumed :D
1. put halloween lights outside, decorate with leaf garland, set up corn stalks with pretty ribbon, and fix sign, fix wreath and hang up :D
2. cut down rose bush (missed 3 times) :arrow:
3. brush dogs (missed once) :arrow:
4. undo ping pong table :arrow:
5. put away in basement off of ping pong table :arrow:
6. bring all photos and put in photo closet until I have time to work on them :arrow:
7. move additional projects (not many) to closet until the 2 main projects are done; move books, not being read to the library area :arrow:
8. eventually - find permanent spot for vacuum, broom etc. :arrow:
9. sew thing for halloween scarecrow - just the face and hands and one shoe. dd's and I usually do something cute (not scary) for halloween. one year we had snoopy, charlie brown and linus scarecrows: heads cut out of wood and painted and stuffed bottoms with straw. :arrow:

other: dailies :D , put away now 3 loads of folded laundry (on dining room table away) :arrow:
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:29 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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