Jan. Cards 2013

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Jan. Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Tue Jan 01, 2013 10:46 am

" May every cardfile be successful in 2013 !"
from D Harriet/ thanks blessed for sharing!
What are your cards for Jan.?

Thinking what mine are heading off to find them in the card file.

Daily Cards
ex. x ex. bike & arm work out x
make coffee x
breakfast x
a.m. meds x
counters need attn. x

Weekly Card
trash to the curb done x
went from dang roo to dear chickens chores * = underway x

This mo. I use my Holiday Reminder Card in Jan.
I use as a deadline to get the Christmas stuff put away by the 25th.
We have 2 bdays this month first week a combined dinner is on for Sat.

put up calendars for 2013 x

:idea: check craigslist for new stock :roll: don't need any but it's fun!
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:07 pm, edited 11 times in total.

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Re: Jan. Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:51 am

"May every cardfile be successful in 2013!"
from D harriet

Hi d Nancy!!! thanks for the site to read .. really interesting!
wishing you and d harriet and all a wonderful productive, prosperous and joyous 2013.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Jan. Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:00 pm

I woke up Late this morning 9 am.. I have to use my alarm clock again as I love being a morning person.

doing something silly this morning... pretending for the new year, hopefully, that I a am exercise queen and fitness guru that wakes up with a different way of thinking - someone else's thinking :lol: - using my SHE imagination. I have done that with my house (pretending to be the maid or the butler in mindset lol) and it helped me when I get into a funk.. why not an exercise guru! :lol:
I know they think differently and their routines fit their exercise world... why not me. :D 8-)

dh is worried that things are going to be tight now that we are over the fiscal cliff. We will see what will happen.

cards pulled today:
written on a 3 x 5 piece of paper.. dd youngers room :D
take lights off the house :arrow: and the bows as well (if it's not too cold) taking 2 off each day
work on calendar and card file for 2013 (color code under 15 min jobs) :arrow:


weekly cards
put away/dejunking front hall closet pulled :arrow:
vacuum front hall :D
as I didn't do menu planning I hope to do it today. some :arrow:
also get my writings out.

FOCUS: FRONT HALL (for others it is fly lady's front room.. not sure)

tomorrow goal: dd older's room, laundry put away, upstairs hall closet is looking cluttered so go through it.

My word for my day is Acceptance
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:33 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Jan. Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:40 am

Today's goal is focused on my health and beauty card I had a low at bedtime last night possible from multiple trips up and down the steps to put away holiday stuff. H. did help. :roll: So I'm finishing up with that this morning.

s2s done
hair washed
take meds. x
no breakfast for me as bs is way up due to the low in the night

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Re: Jan. Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:46 pm

I had forgotten about that card dnancy... I used to enjoy a little pampering on Sunday when that card would come up. Enjoy your day!!!
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Re: Jan. Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:56 pm

a fine good Morning d nancy and all.

Cards pulled for today:
laundry dh :D
dogs :arrow:
including exercise dvd :arrow:
pour 4 cups water in a container with lemon to drink during the day :D

Need to work on night time routine and get to bed at a reasonable time :oops:

weeklies: none pulled as I plan on working on focus today - might do the sheets today, not sure. cleaned side door of refrigerator and put plastic wrap back on those two shelves. :D

Focus: front hall/entry way/closet :arrow:

temporary 3 x 5 notes:
dejunk the upstairs closet a bit as it is getting cluttered :D
dd olders room :D
dh and I check out girls bathrooms and write down wants to be done, and necessaries to be done and focus in slowly on what needs to be done.
get dd older a binder for her checking account (dh bought) now put it together for her :arrow:
continue: menu planning :arrow:
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Re: Jan. Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:15 am

Nancy and Harriet GOOD MORNING

January 3, 2012 Thursday nothing done but had fun - so now changing this to January 4, 2012

Hope: go to movies with d mil yesterday :D

I have looked all over for my phone (gone a month now) so I need to get a new phone. don't want to spend the money but I need a new phone.

I missed:
1. dog brushing yesterday and walking the dogs
2. exercise
3. night time personal routine xmissed jan 3 (goal pj's, brush teeth and hair, wash face, cream, be in bed at a regular time and read)

weekly 3 x 5
paperwork moved to today

focus goal: front hall/front porch

empty the top two shelves in the front hall closet (bottom is clean)
clean the hanging light in front hall
empty top drawer in front hall pie cabinet.

if time allows: take down lights out if front and put away

temporary 3 x 5 cards

put away: room chosen basement
put away: my car.
put away: family room looks like it starting to keep things again.. trying to remember de clutter as you go because when you see a space cluttered, means it will take you 10 x more time and work to get it back to normal. I find that that clutter could easily to loosing control of a room or area. I think that's the key to the born organized way of thinking.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:25 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Jan. Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:41 am

Today chicken chores done br-r 22* out water was frozen.
Peaceful morning here I'm SO thankful for that reminds me of the Gratitude Card a daily reminder card #1-5 things each day that I'm grateful for I need to do that again I enter them in my daily journal.

Make coffee x
I have a plan for lunch & dinner
boil & peel eggs x
breakfast dishes x
a.m. meds. x

Done to here
Make bed
Granny duty all day with 2 youngest dgkds in a bit.
cook up pumpkin
vacuum floors
sweep card is also up.
Put away another Christmas decoration I found this morning.
Zone work containerize Christmas stuff.
Store run :arrow: delegate that to h. as he has used up his creamer.

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Re: Jan. Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:46 am

Good Morning Blessed Harriet and all who enter!

Chicken chores have begun
A.M. meds x
make coffee x
I'm to here today.
Granny duty

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Re: Jan. Cards 2013

Postby Harriet » Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:14 am

I'm happy to have my cardfile and a family wall calendar so physically close together. I think it is helping! Even if it just makes me FEEL that my organizing helps are working together, it's a good thing!

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