February Appointments with Our Organizers, 2013

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Re: February Appointments with Our Organizers, 2013

Postby ellyphant » Thu Feb 14, 2013 2:05 pm

Four shirts and three pairs of shoes going in the recycling drop-off. These are not nice enough to donate anywhere.
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Re: February Appointments with Our Organizers, 2013

Postby ellyphant » Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:56 am

2 old garage door openers and a ratty old pair of slippers thrown out. Recycled an old Bible study workbook. Sorted through a drawer where I stash articles that I want to keep for a time...much of that went to recycling. My house is mostly decluttered already, but I get great joy in finding something else that is not needed. :)
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Re: February Appointments with Our Organizers, 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Feb 16, 2013 2:16 pm

yes yes yes!!! our organizers are the best!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: February Appointments with Our Organizers, 2013

Postby Ivy » Sun Feb 17, 2013 2:25 am

I worked on my writing organizer today. Will work on it more tomorrow, too. Have a l-o-n-g way to go. :!:

Also, I decluttered the dining room and great room in a fit of anger. The story is at J's & C's. It's kind of comical, but at least when I get mad, it motivates me to do something. Now the writing is in the spare room and the great room and dining room look wonderful! :D
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Re: February Appointments with Our Organizers, 2013

Postby BookSaver » Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:13 am

Oops, I've been noting decluttering efforts in PWYC but not here.
* Last week: 2 1/2 big boxes from storage, misc. "stuff" with a few things donated but most put in recycle bin.
* 2 boxes of fabric & sewing supplies from the library's recent fund-raiser inventoried and folded smaller to fit into 1 box.
* Saturday: 3 small boxes from my office - books to donation bag, papers to recycle bin.
* Today: Big box of magazines someone gave me a long time ago -- used only the headlines on the covers to judge which ones looked interesting, saved 3 and dumped the rest into the recycle bin. The 3 saved have articles about making theatre costumes and props that I want to read through and then will probably recycle them also.
* Medium bag of misc. papers tossed to recycle.
* Tonight: while watching a movie, flipped through 2 shopping bags full of magazines and recycled all.

Yes, the magazines have been stacking up around here. In analyzing why, I think the time I used to spend reading print magazines is now spent on the internet here and reading blogs. I used to subscribe to several magazines but now only 1 sewing one.

I used to buy a lot of magazines from the library's sale shelf, only 10 cents for brand new issues, but rarely do that now due to lack of time and space. Better to let the library put them in their recycle bin than to let the pages age in my house for several months until I finally get around to looking at them.

I'm doing a little victory dance with every square foot of empty space created.

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Re: February Appointments with Our Organizers, 2013

Postby ellyphant » Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:01 pm

I have a new zero-tolerance policy for stained or torn pillowcases! They either go straight into the trash or get cut into rags, used once, and then go into the trash. I'm liking all the better ones that were hiding under the old ones I kept grabbing on top of the stack!
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Re: February Appointments with Our Organizers, 2013

Postby Nancy » Thu Feb 21, 2013 5:15 pm

I worked on the kitchen counters and took out the trash yea it looks lots better in there now!

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Re: February Appointments with Our Organizers, 2013

Postby Harriet » Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:03 pm

My dCousinMary and I had a long talk this a.m. by phone. She and her brother (dOldestBoyCousin) and her 2 deceased sibling's children - so, 6 or 7 people I guess - have decluttered, given away, donated, inherited and completely cleaned out my dear aunt's home. (She died between Thanksgiving and Christmas). DOldestBoyCousin and family will move in to it when a few repairs and painting are done. He was staying there every other day anyway, taking care of his mother one day and going home the next, while Mary took her day.

She said it was very hard to do. There were times to just sit on the bed and have tears at how overwhelming it was, and she thought they might wear the carpet out (not from transporting things here to there, but from pacing with indecision of what to do with things), but it is done. Most people in the family accepted meaningful items, except for one of dear aunt's grandsons, who believes he doesn't want anything because it is too painful, so Mary is hiding the box of things they chose for him until he is older. Now the work that's needed can be done, and it can be home to the next generation, as a house is meant to be. I am SO proud of all of them.

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Re: February Appointments with Our Organizers, 2013

Postby Harmony » Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:31 pm

Oh, Harriet, thanks for sharing that very sweet story.

In the "going backwards department" I discovered a bag set on a shelf in the garage that have 2 pairs of shoes meant for GW. They've been out there a long long time. Both are very good shoes. One pair needs new insoles. I might try wearing them and if I still like them get a pair of insoles off the shoe product shelf. The other I'd decided to declutter because they kept giving me a blister, but they're also very good condition shoes. I'll wear them around a bit and see if the same toe gets sore (don't have a clue why that was happening) and if not I'll keep them.

My poor feet problem is not as bad, so these nice shoes might work once again for me. I'll let you all know!

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Re: February Appointments with Our Organizers, 2013

Postby Ivy » Sun Feb 24, 2013 2:54 pm

Oh, QUICK! :!: I have to POST because I had 666 posts! :shock: NOT a good number!

I'm decluttering the house very slowly and started a box for donating things to a non-profit charity, which helps disabled people, young and old.

It seems like decluttering takes a lot more time than cluttering! :!: WHY is that? :?: :roll: It "breeds" while we're asleep, probably! :lol:

Harriet, That's a nice post. ♥
Touch the earth, love the earth, her plains, her valleys, her seas. Rest your soul in her solitary places. ~Henry Beston

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