Health and Fitness, April 2013

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2013

Postby Harriet » Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:29 pm

Just 7 inches high? HRH might like that - he sometimes uses mine from the pneumonia time and it's too high for comfort sometimes. In other words, you can actually feel discomfort at the waist/ribs when you turn to the side in your sleep. How long is it from head to tapering off, Harmony?

Acid reflux - Lately I've been seeing 2 things I started using for other reasons, now mentioned as acid reflux helps.

Astaxanthin is something I started taking shortly after Dr. Oz had Dr. Mercola guest on his program and they both bragged so much on it, agreeing they both would recommend 4 mg of it daily. I was impressed with how good it is for eyes and brain - nobody even mentioned acid reflux back then. Hard to find a date of when that happened now that I check the net for it - certainly I took it through all 2012. Now it seems there's been a randomized double-blind placebo controlled Sweden/Demark/Lithuania study of 130 people and the Astaxanthin did seem to help. Here is the summary:
The mechanisms of action include the following: decreasing oxidative stress by astaxanthin’s potent antioxidant property; controlling bacterial infection by shifting the immune response; and alleviating dyspeptic symptoms by retarding inflammation. Furthermore, these results infer that acid reflux in connection with either H. pylori positive or negative conditions can still expect improvements with astaxanthin. - Kaunas University Hospital, Lithuania; Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen; University of Lund and the Karolinska Institute, Sweden

And Himalayan Sea Salt from the natural grocery store has been mentioned several times lately because it has so many trace minerals and one is chloride your body needs to make hydrochloric acid. The idea is that you WANT to have more hydrochloric acid in your stomach, like a young person, not less. Having less as an older person can lead to acid reflux. So providing what your body needs to make it should help. ? This may fall into the "couldn't hurt" category.

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2013

Postby Cowinkie » Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:01 pm

Well I've been walking every day 2-4 miles with runs inbetween the walking. Most of the time I set the tredmill for 3.8 mph. I've stayed very true to my eating. Think I've had one piece of bread and a few pretzle stick, but thats all. Still the scale stalls. I've given up weighing because I am feeling better, just not loosing any weight....grrrrrrrrr

Hence the dr's appointment for next week. I am losing hair, my skin is very dry, nails have become brittle....all the signs of thyroid. I was on meds when I was a child. I've lost most of my body hair as well. Something "ain't" right but I haven't a clue. The PA I am seeing has had excellent results helping my other friends and discovering medical reasons for what is bothering them when other drs have failed. Hopefully she will be able to figure out what is going on in my system.

I continue to stay on track with my food and walking/running. I can't imagine where my weight would be if I wasn't doing all the right things....I just keep plugging along until she tells me otherwise.
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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2013

Postby Lilac » Fri Apr 26, 2013 8:24 am

Cowinkie, glad you have a dr. appt for next week. It sure sounds like a thyroid issue. I can almost always tell mine is out of whack if I can not lose weight, even if I am really watching what I eat and I'm getting plenty of exercise. That is always so frustrating.

I must say that every NP or PA that I have used is every bit as good or better than drs. that I have had.

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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2013

Postby Ivy » Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:22 pm

I walked 1 hour on my cell phone, while talking to my sister out-of-state. We can talk for free on the cell plans we're on because we've got the same carrier. :D
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Re: Health and Fitness, April 2013

Postby Harriet » Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:14 pm

Yesterday, Monday, I did a half-hour workout. I'm seeing that I neglected to mention 20-minute workouts on both Friday and Saturday.

Cowinkie, I hope you get reassuring answers from the doctor and bloodwork. Sounds like you are doing all the right daily things, yes.

Twins' Mom, are you still tracking your walking?

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