May Cards 2013

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May Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Wed May 01, 2013 1:29 pm

My May Cards for 2013 are...!

I've been looking forward to May for a couple of months now! It's finally time to do some of my May cards. I've got a few things on my schedule that need to be done ... like pick up rings from the jeweler, groc. run,

May day
Mom's day
Memorial day
Planting gardening yd. & work
Gather donations for church yard sale

Next week the baby's mom is working M-F 7:00 -3:00

Today I'm working on some Weekly Chore Cards picking up rooms as I enter them, I need a plan for dinner, dishes have been unloaded, duds & other daily cards need some attn. having dd do car pool b/c car is running rough and needs to go in the shop do not want to get stranded w/ kids in it.

Add in some fun ones too like art date, crafting time doing some knitting, sewing card, journal card and reading.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu May 02, 2013 10:44 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: May Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Wed May 01, 2013 4:52 pm

hi... great list of May
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Re: May Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Thu May 02, 2013 10:47 am

Thanks Blessed!
Last evening I took some time to enjoy the patio expansion read and watch the young chickens explore some free range time. That was fun.

I'm trying to keep up on the hot spots and floors here with the baby around it's pretty motivating with people in each day. Dgson brought a friend by with her sister after school to see the chickens.

I need to focus on some outside things today with no baby here dgd can "help" with that!
I need to vacuum and keep working on the dining room zone I have going this month it's starting to show yea! I moved the beading [crafting] stuff to the creativity room so that was helpful.

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Re: May Cards 2013

Postby Harriet » Fri May 03, 2013 11:55 pm

Definitely got to think about Mother's Day and not forget that, including any mailing time so mailed cards or gifts are there on time.

blessed, I am thinking of you as you enjoy your mother's visit.

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Re: May Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Sat May 04, 2013 9:25 am

Yard Work Card is up got the last spot of sod removed from the back yard that we were going to take out. Now for replacing it. Found a kennel to use for a roo or isolation cage so will be thinking about the spot for that. I need to move the sod we took out before to make room for it if it fits. Not sure I want it there because it would be in front of the current bushes sigh so I'm still thinking on this.

Dailys need done
store run is needed as well.

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Re: May Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Sat May 04, 2013 1:22 pm

thank you dear harriet. hi dear nancy

I did not get a dinner.. except that I needed a hair cut... my dd younger went out to the car and told her not to say anything. She goes through being tough as nails (her way of accepting things or protecting herself from her own expectations of herself and situations) to grandma mode as we call it). She is very accomplished, thin, tiny, beautiful, dresses impeccably, so organized, tasteful, friendly (tons of friends), self assured to a fault, venerable at times, focused, hard working and talented, and extremely active and extremely clean. She paints, builds things, sails, kayaks, exercises and socialize with so many people, everyone loves her in her group, so far out of my social scale. My brothers social scale is so much higher than mine.

okay start working I slept until 11 am wow ... I was stuck in nightmares - I didn't go to bed until late - but woke at 5 and then fell back to sleep.

nice weather today!!! yay!!!

made menu for today and tomorrow.. I have to give up some of the genealogy stuff as I am getting obsessed with it and not cooking. Trying to get it done is not making me healthy

vacuumed the first floor, I am going to take pictures of the house and really "see" the clutter. I tend to get used to surface items very easily and every so often I have to do this to get a reality check!

grocery store as i promised to make chicken and wine for a party next week. grocery store done :D
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: May Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Mon May 06, 2013 11:11 am

I watered the new sod when I was out doing the chicken chores. Did a.m. routine. I've spiffed the kitchen, did some hand wash, boiled and peeled eggs. I still need to dump trash before Tues. trash day. Made coffee and bed. Journaling is done. Coffee is gone breakfast is done.

Dgd will be here in a few. Trim bangs x they were bugging me. I need to work on the dining table next I think.

Next few done I was feeling bad about the baby not coming today but decided to do some garden therapy and that did help got some weeding moved some sod pieces we took out and had tossed in one area moved to a better spot fed the chickens again. Sunny day :mrgreen: so it's great to be outside and enjoying it for a change! Yea!!!

I've swept the upstairs and mopped the main bathroom sod was very sandy and we'd tracked it indoors.

Mom's Day Menu: What's your preference? dson is having us for mom's day but it's the week after I"m thinking of the dish I'll be taking so I need to get a few things for that a jello with cream cheese & fruit.

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Re: May Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Tue May 07, 2013 10:31 am

I hope you were able to get out into your garden! garden therapy is the best.
wishing you a great day today

much put away yay!!!
now to make dinner. got ice cream etc. for my dmom - everything went well.
okey dokey time to pokey
dinner is made and cooking
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue May 07, 2013 7:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: May Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Tue May 07, 2013 11:21 am

Blessed thanks yes we got the things I had here planted & watered in last evening.

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Re: May Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Wed May 08, 2013 11:32 am

so nice you got to work outside d nancy!!! so happy for you.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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