Sept. Cards 2013

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Re: Sept. Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:15 am

another new day - isn't it wonderful!!!
my house smells like cat urine in the front hall... and there aren't any puddles. sigh why!!!!!!! I am thinking there are cats outside our house marking their territory so I will take the black light outside tonight because the smell is right outside my front room window.

alrighty I can see I have to wash the front hall again, wash more laundry, etc....
today's goal bring the ping pong table upstairs
and if it doesn't get used... donate it or sell it.
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Re: Sept. Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Sat Sep 28, 2013 1:10 pm

Re: CATS being a prob. I was reading that cats do not like
coffee grounds or orange peels so I have been putting that in the area to keep the neighbor cats out.

I have gotten some things done that were chicken chore cards for the chicken coop run getting ready for winter, cord for the light is ready to go. I lowered the roost boards. I made a call about for the supplies for the roof. H. Has a diff. plan for the "project" that I did.

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Re: Sept. Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:05 am

oooo thank you d nancy, I will try that!!! Wishing you a wonderful Sunday!
I am curious how do you care for chickens in winter so they don't freeze?
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Re: Sept. Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:07 am

Happy Sunday!!!
Yesterday dh came with dd's and myself to pick apples. Lots of fun!

paper work
and planning day
my d cousin is stopping by
church :D I went to one of the mega churches out here and it was very interesting, I did love the sermon and the music but it was huge!
boy I would love just to go out somewhere w my family or just go somewhere but d cousin is coming in - so I went to the store as there were no fruit or veggies done :D cleaned out part of the fridge :D
I came home from church and found 2 large loads of cloths clean but scruntched onto the dining room table and a sink full of dishes and clean dishes in the dishwasher sigh. :roll: dd older did clean her room and dd younger brought down all her laundry to wash. so those are great things.
ok turning my attitude around as it will be the only way that work will be done.

realized dh took everything out of our bedroom and put all the laundry dirty and clean together on the dining room table... I have company coming and I could cry because I have asked him over and over if he has something he wants to dejunk to put it in the 3 season room so I can work on it during the week. Now I have to rewash all the laundry. yes my bedroom looks nice but I have company coming soon and I have to go out to dinner even though I bought dinner to make. :cry:

first look at the rachel ray magazine and then
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Re: Sept. Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Sun Sep 29, 2013 10:37 am

Chickens are pretty hardy I got some Rhode Island Reds that do well in both heat and cold.

Some people have used heated dog dishes, we have plastic on the open part of the roof.

I put up light and am using it this yr. also just a regular bulb. W out light egg production goes down in the winter with such short days.

Last yr. We put up a portable roost in the coop when it was 10 degrees out side here it does not get much colder than that here with a light the water froze so got a crock pot to use to keep water from freezing trying that hoping it will produce some heat as well. Where I grew up it got colder than that in the Idaho mtns. We has Rhode Island Reds, when I was a kid. Our parents did not pot lights or heat for the hens.

Today I had to out a diff. Closure on the chicken yard gate. Some stuff had blown over or was knocked over not sure which.

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Re: Sept. Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Sep 29, 2013 12:06 pm

really interesting!!! it must be harder to clean the coop in winter with snow! That idea of the crock pot was brilliant by the way d nancy!
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Re: Sept. Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:47 pm

Cleaning the coop was easier than I thought it would be, the play house has leionlum in the coop, the part under the roost is dry so a shrub rake works well I try to do it each week.

I have added wood shavings to the nest boxes.

I raked the back yard and the leaves are in the chicken run now for the hens to play in.

They are paying for their feed now with egg customers yea!

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Re: Sept. Cards 2013

Postby Harriet » Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:09 am

blessed, I'm so sorry you came home to the laundry confusion! Hope you enjoyed time with your cousin.

Nancy, that's great that you have some folks who will buy the extra eggs.

blessed, the climates both of us (Nancy and I) have would probably not be too hard on chickens in the winter, if they are hardy breeds and if there are enough of them to keep each other warm at night. Here, it is the summers to be careful of, because they will get too hot. In the winter, it is the water container you have to watch, because if it freezes up and you don't realize, they could be doing without water OR the frozen water could cause cracks in a plastic container, that sort of thing.

I can't believe September is almost over. I hope October will be very organized for all of us!

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Re: Sept. Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Sep 30, 2013 9:58 am

I am learning a lot. when I was younger I always wanted to have a homestead type thing and have chickens - I live in an area that will not allow me to have them but dh is thinking after the d kiddos leave the nest we will find another nest with more land but my d mom lives only 5 minutes from here by car and the rest the family is an hour at the most away (closer to the city) - to afford more area here we would have to be millionaires... did any one say I should win the lottery... lol.. first I would have to play the lottery lol

Our area has gone down to 15 to 17 degrees below zero so I find it interesting how you keep the chickens warm

Poor dh could see I was distraught when he came home, I was almost in tears and he just couldn't really understand my frustration but was trying to. I try to keep my promise to myself not to bag things unless absolutely necessary and I found it frustrating that I had to bag clean laundry because it was mixed with dirty.

Okay: today Is a new brilliant day.
12:41 pm I ended up working on paper work but my body is aching to get me moving.
pull dailies first.. concentration on the back room and change sheets
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Re: Sept. Cards 2013

Postby Harriet » Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:59 am

Printed and made my next quarter's 3x5 laundry cards. I love my fineline red Sharpie for these, because when I'm writing in dates, it doesn't matter if I write over the tape at the edges, it all stays readable.

I'm probably going to give dd15 some of my post-it type "page flags" ("sticky flags") for her small school planner. We saw new ones at WMart yesterday but I told her the ones I have for my cardfile are better. I even have a mini to-do list flag about 1.5 x 2 inches that I found at Tarjay's dollar aisle. Wish I'd bought more of that one, because I think she would find it very handy. Some of her notes aren't about dates but about long projects. There are so many sticky flags with different designs or mini-formats out now. They are really getting popular.

blessed, the lowest recorded temp here is -5, which stands as the record in all three months, Dec, Jan and Feb. It has happened often enough that our headlines often joke whether we can ever get to -6 or if we're in a rut. Many think there may have been glitches with recording devices and we've really gotten colder - who knows. We can usually count on at least a threat of zero most years. But when we hit 5 degrees, we know we are in the worst of winter, and sometimes that has been our low for the year. I told Kathryn that when she was last here and she was very surprised. She thought our winters were warmer.

The tough thing is that we also have matching record highs for 4 months - 104 for June, July, Aug AND Sept. That's where the scary days come in, and find me putting ice into the chicken's water, etc.

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