A 100 Days Challenge

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Wacky Woman
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A 100 Days Challenge

Postby Wacky Woman » Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:58 pm

On March 4, 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt became the 32nd President of the United States during a period of great economic challenges. Roosevelt wasted no time setting to work. Between March 8 and June 16 of 1933, a period of 100 days, fifteen legislative proposals were passed into law-- a record that stands to this day, and formed the beginning of the New Deal. Never before had Executive and Legislative branches co-operated to make such a profound impact on the country in such a short period of time.

Since F.D.R., the "First 100 Days" has become a period in which to measure a new administration, and to hope that each new president will approach the challenges of his new position with wisdom, innovation and industry.

(http://www.npr.org/templates/story/stor ... d=99464140)

It can feel as if the challenges facing world leaders today are beyond our individual ability to influence or impact, even when the effects are being felt in our workplaces and homes. However, Gandhi urged us to believe, "We need to be the change we wish to see in the world." Working to improve our own lives and homes can make a difference.

As the eyes of the world measure the days of a new leader, we can use the same time frame, the 100 days from January 21 to April 30, to have fun and inspire ourselves.

Some categories to consider--

Domestic Policy: The tools and habits you use (or don't use, or need to use, or wished you used... ) to organize your home-- cleaning programs and tools, decluttering projects, and that which contributes to making your home and warm place of stability and hospitality.

Foreign Relations: Connecting, outside of the home, with family and friends-- keeping in touch, being thoughtful, remembering special dates, and strengthening ties.

Economy: Seeking mindfulness of how money is spent, being a better home economist, and a better steward of resources.

Environment: Seeking ways to practice 'green' homemaking and habits when and where possible.

Health: Exploring exercise, diet and positive attitude to be a healthier human being.

Education: Seek ways to expand mind and memory through learning.
I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it. ~Maya Angelou

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Re: A 100 Days Challenge

Postby sherinjoy » Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:26 am

Hi Wacky - Thank you so much for taking my small idea and setting it up for everyone to use in their life. Very impressive beginning to the forum. I will post tomorrow more about my intentions.
For everyone to know that this is here, maybe you could post on PWYC to let all know.

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Re: A 100 Days Challenge

Postby sherinjoy » Mon Jan 26, 2009 3:21 pm

Hi all, My main goal for this 100 days is Health- restoring my vitality and wellness. I have recently had hormone issues that have affected my general health and energy. I am peri-menopause, and am getting a lot of symptoms at once. My pro-active decision was to see a Dr. that specializes in women's health. I have an appointment on Thursday for the initial evaluation. So I will be monitoring my health during this 100 day period, looking for signs of improvement based on recommended changes that will probably be made.

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Wacky Woman
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Re: A 100 Days Challenge

Postby Wacky Woman » Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:29 pm

Overall goals:
-To re-establish the old habits of using a box, a weekly plan and such.
-To make some visible improvements to the home in this time frame.
Daily goals:
-Open box each day and shuffle cards for that day.
-Make a daily to do list of focus tasks.
-Pick up & put away five things a day.
-Maintain clean areas.

Overall goals:
-Add visiting my mom to the weekly plan, and be aware of visiting dh's mom.
-Develop a 'thoughtful' system for remembering birthdays, special events, difficult periods, etc.
-Make a list of people with whom relations need to be strengthened or re-established.
Daily goal:
-Call both moms each day to check in.

Overall goals:
-Practice "Elegant Economy" (a phrase used in Elizabeth Gaskell's story, "Cranford')
-Be mindful of how money is spent.
-Be a savvy grocery shopper/meal planner.
Daily goals:
-Turn down thermostat whenever possible (also being green!)
-Turn off lights when possible (again, also being green!)

Overall goals:
-Seek to practice green homemaking when possible
-Replace regular lights with CFL (where possible, and where it won't drive me nuts)
-Watch energy consumption (double up when using the oven, don't let the dryer run & run, turn down the thermostat, turn off lights, etc.)
-Recycle more
-Print out the recycling center guidelines for the fridge
Daily goals:
-Recycle FIVE pieces of paper from around the house each day

Overall Health goals:
-Be mindful of ways to be healthier.
-Introduce healthy foods in diet whenever possible.
-Be regular in things I should monitor.
-Make annual appointments with both drs. for tests and such for early spring.
-Create space to expand exercise habits.
-Re-establish better exercise habits.
-Remember that mental health helps with physical health.
Daily goals:
-Take blood pressure
-Take medication
-Drink pomegranate juice
-Do something to strengthen self

Overall goals:
-Be mindful of ways to expand mind and learn.
-Establish better reading habits.
-Watch library newsletter for free classes that suit me & attend.
-Talk to Dean about setting up time to meet for regular movie nights & discussion.
Daily goal:
-Read something each day (fun or instructional)
I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it. ~Maya Angelou


Re: A 100 Days Challenge

Postby Indiana » Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:57 pm

sherinjoy and Wacky you both have very specific goals for the first 100 days. Good for you both. Wacky I liked your list and how much thought you put into each area.

My first 100 days began on January 1. I made a list of goals I want to accomplish over the next 11 months. Like the presidents not everything is going to be accomplished the first 100 days but there should be a good start.

My theme for the year is back to basics/simplify. I am working on all the goals together but concentrating separately.

January was a planning month for the general and the specific was finances. Although dh's job is secure in his field and industry there is always the possibility of job loss through layoff and health. I spent the month looking at how we spend and what if any changes can be made now and if needed can be made in the future. I'll continue to look at it the rest of the year.

February is menu's. I am going to make menu possibilities that are simple and basic. Not spicy and not overpowering as it cooks.

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Re: A 100 Days Challenge

Postby sherinjoy » Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:05 am

Hi, not sure how we want to do this, but I would like to check in at least once a week to record how I'm doing towards my intentions. Any suggestions are welcome for formating.
Health - I had appt. with women's health doctor, and was given a new hormone regimen to try, and several supplements to take daily. I will be doing hormone testing next week, and checking back in with the dr. in two weeks. We also discussed my limited food choices (I am a very picky eater) and I was motivated to buy a couple food magazines and try some new receipes.
So, progress forward slowly.

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Wacky Woman
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Re: A 100 Days Challenge

Postby Wacky Woman » Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:20 am

Day #20
Plugging along here on my 100 Day Challenge... and seeing progress, slowly but surely.

I need to spend some time printing out some new 3x5 cards-- changes and updates that need to be made to the box to reflect changes in life and new priorities.

A friend gifted me with some special-made, hand-stamped 3x5 cards-- they are almost too lovely to use! I've been agonizing what I will put on them/how I will purpose them.

One area that is really stumping me-- my "Foreign Relations" goals included finding ways to create reminders for friends and family members my card file box-- beyond birthdays and anniversaries, more like when people are going through difficult times, and not losing track of them. Stil muddling in my head what shape that needs to take.
I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it. ~Maya Angelou

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Re: A 100 Days Challenge

Postby sherinjoy » Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:40 pm

Hi - checking in again. Health - Progress made, but slow. I did the testing, but one of the tests got contaminated at the lab, so I have to do it over again. So I haven't met with the Dr. yet, until I redo the tests and she gets results. A bit of a set back, because we are waiting to get the results to base the treatment recommendations on. Hormones seem to have settled down some, but still having symptoms.
In the meantime, I am eating better meals and paying attention to my snacking. I have tried about 3 or 4 new meals and like them. I am being more conscious of my physical activity level, and moving more and getting to bed earlier.
Overall, glad I made the commitment, and it has made me more mindful of my health choices daily.

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Re: A 100 Days Challenge

Postby sherinjoy » Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:44 pm

Hi, I read in the paper today that Obama has marked his first 50 days in office, so I thought I would post at the half way point.
Health - Mixed results of progress, but at least I am conscious of it. The lab results have just come back, but appt. is not until next week, so still waiting to see what changes are being recommended by Doc. I have been sleeping better overall, but still a few rough nights. Hormones seem to have settled down , with fewer symptoms, but still bothersome. I haven't been consistent with physical activity, and want to focus on that soon. I think that will help even out symptoms and sleep.
So...just keep swimming for another 50 days.


Re: A 100 Days Challenge

Postby dearduckyducky » Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:20 am

Wacky Woman wrote:A friend gifted me with some special-made, hand-stamped 3x5 cards-- they are almost too lovely to use! I've been agonizing what I will put on them/how I will purpose them.

One area that is really stumping me-- my "Foreign Relations" goals included finding ways to create reminders for friends and family members my card file box-- beyond birthdays and anniversaries, more like when people are going through difficult times, and not losing track of them. Stil muddling in my head what shape that needs to take.

Why not use those lovely special 3x5s to put a weekly reminder card to contact a friend/relative? You could either make one card and pick your contact at the time, or you could make a card for the ten people you want to get back in touch with the most. Then sprinkle those cards throughout. I used to have a weekly reminder card to "write a letter to a friend"

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