February Clutter Control

Share your decluttering activities and ideas.
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February Clutter Control

Postby Harriet » Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:35 am

It is the month to love our homes.

When you see a heart this month, remember that giving attention to your lovely (and lovable) home is a tangible way to provide nurture for yourself, your family, and even the guests you hope to offer hospitality. You may not know what needs will come up next, but a home base that's comforting and stress-free is the all-purpose gift!

What successes have you achieved now that we're a month into the new year? With many of us experiencing outdoor work at a standstill, how can February be a great time to be create some clarity indoors? We were posting last month right up to the end so don't forget to check out all the reports.

Here in this monthly thread, we encourage each other to commit to 15 minutes of clutter control time per day, OR the equivalent on other schedules. We hope you'll join us.

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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby Harriet » Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:40 am

If you’d like some partners while working:

One scheduling suggestion has been a weekly room rotation together. During each current week, those who choose to will declutter in the upcoming week's Focus Cleaning room as a first step toward lovely spaces. We know cleaning is efficient if clutter is not in the way - we can almost have fun with it. But clutter can discourage or stop us if we can't find the surfaces in the first place. Decluttering is a preceding step that can (literally) make cleaning a glide instead of a stumble.

You’ll find some February declutter partners in these rooms and areas:

Week of Feb 2 – Laundry
Week of Feb 9 – Storage
Week of Feb 16 – Outdoor
Week of Feb 23 – Kitchen

Substitute a different room whenever it will match your home’s needs best, and change back and forth from this plan to your own anytime.

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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby bittersweet » Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:18 am

I don't think I'll be doing much in the way of outdoors work this month :lol: however, my linen closet is in DIRE need of some decluttering/organizing, and doing one shelf per day would be a fine way to use that week. My laundry, storage (translation - basement), and kitchen are also in serious need of attention. The laundry area is quite small, so I'll probably only spend a day or two there, and use the rest of the week as extra time for the basement.

Since I need to run down and put the last load in the dryer, I'll take my timer and do 10 minutes decluttering. I won't be home until late tonight, as there's a crafting get together after work, so there won't be time then.
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby bittersweet » Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:48 am

And there we have it, folks....proof once again that just 10 minutes can make a difference in housework!! I went downstairs, put the laundry in the dryer, ran back up to get a big garbage bag, and set the timer. It took only 10 minutes to pick up several things that belonged in the donate box, and toss: empty laundry soap jugs, empty fabric softener sheet boxes, old furnace filter, numerous plastic bags, a pair of sweats beyond repair, and move several items back to their own areas of the basement. Then I tossed in DD's last load that was still laying on the floor, and voila! Not perfect, but SO much better! :D
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby Harriet » Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:22 pm

Great way to do so much with a well-handled 10-minutes, bittersweet. It bodes well for the month. And others will be blessed with a few donations, too.

One of my start-of-year goals was to quantify my decluttering. I felt as though some record-keeping might stave off depression as I face some kinda daunting tasks, and keep me feeling optimistic. I think it may serve to give me some inspiration when I lose momentum, to glance at my totals. I started out keeping both time and square feet records, but lost track of time records along the way (which is probably natural - not beating myself up about it). The time that went mostly to organization, then, in office for instance, is not really given its due, but that's okay.

What I can report is that the documented, TRULY FREED UP space in my own house during January was 12 square feet. And at my parents' house it was 37 square feet, for a total of 49 square feet. Dd10 reminds me that she had calculated it higher (and, after all, she worked hard too, especially for her grandmother in dining room). So we have agreed to settle our calculations at (drumroll)... ...

50 square feet of space set free for our family in January! Free, fly away, take wing! LOL

Compliment - dd29 noticed our house's front bathroom cabinet neatness. She said it was nice to open a door or drawer and see what you needed at a glance.

It's Laundry week!

Although I don't have a laundry "room", I'll still be after any basket and cabinet clutter that relates to it. I'll spend time in the quiltmaking studio if further time allows.

My parents have a combination laundry room/pantry. If I find myself with any time after working in there this week, I'll go back to the spare bedroom part of my plan at their house.
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby bittersweet » Wed Feb 04, 2009 2:50 am

I didn't get any decluttering done today *sigh* since I spent two flippin' hours at the medicentre for a follow-up on yesterday's visit (that one was only 1.5 hrs :roll: ). I have to go back again on Saturday morning. Why I'm still up, I'm not really sure...it's almost midnight, and my brain is wanting to go, go, go, but I know I need to get some sleep! Tomorrow night, after supper, I'll go down and tackle the shelves by the washer/dryer. Once they're cleaned off, it'll be all ready when it's time to actually clean the area!
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:24 pm

it was a hard day, but lots of decluttering done. the 3 season room is not there yet but 5 large garbage bags gone, donations ready for tomorrow. it's hard to let go of a dream but so so so nice to live in the moment. Blessing dkids with this.

hi b! with all that is going on... you got things done!

hi harriet I think that is a very good idea. I don't know if you may realize but you are a really big part of why I can get rid of things. I am facing a lot of things I had planned I would do with my dkids when younger, but realize I had overgoaled.
I did do a lot with the dkids, no regrets, but now I have to let go and live in the moment. I love when I see those shows that show the empty after all the clutter. It is just stuff, not who we are. Thank God for all the women here as they helped me during my day to toss and thank you!
great job on doing 2 houses, where most of us only have one. How great that dd29 noticed how beautiful it looked.

great job... using a timer and doing the work! great job.

I still have a lot to do in the 3 season room (where the abundance of crafts and stuff was and still is but better)
dog/laundry room is something I need to focus on for dejunking so I can clean it next week.
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby Harriet » Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:47 am

blessed, HRH's "leftovers" theory that might help you right now as you let go of extras of the fun crafts you intended for dds. He was often hungry as a child - tough situation. So he grew up concerned about food. When he cooks, he prepares WAY too much, even though there's more work after a meal when there are a lot of leftovers. But he says anytime you arise from a table without leftovers, someone may not have gotten enough to eat. He believes the goal is to always arise with work to be done on leftovers, so you know no one was disappointed, everyone had the opportunity to be satisfied. So, that's what you've been doing with crafts for the girls - you've been providing enough to be sure there were opportunities. You can deal with the "leftovers" with a happy heart.
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:11 am

"a happy heart" I like that!!! actually I have never looked it at that way. I did provide a lot, now I think because they are teens now they need more my time then craft time any more. That was the way I think I shared my love of learning etc and at them time when they were little it was perfect. But now they would rather I play ping pong, go for a drive, play a game, go to a movie or go to door country rather then a craft or painting etc... I will let go of some more with a very happy heart. thank you!!!
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Re: February Clutter Control

Postby sherinjoy » Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:07 pm

Hi Blessed - cheering you on! And Harriet's words were wonderful. Don't underestimate how hard letting go can be sometimes. It's all those emotions tied up in "stuff", and we grieve when we are letting go of the past hopes and dreams, the "woulda, coulda, shoulda" thoughts. I am so proud of you for taking this task on and living in the present. Peter Walsh writes a lot about this process of asking ourselves "What is your vision for your life today?" and using that as a theme for deciding what stays and what goes. I'll be cheering you on again today and you make those decisions.

I'm just plugging along with my daily decluttering. Today is paperwork day, so hoping to get through another pile on the desk. Check in with you later.

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