November Appointments for Declutter and Organization

Share your decluttering activities and ideas.
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Re: November Appointments for Declutter and Organization

Postby Nancy » Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:44 am

I de cluttered a sm stack of 18 ct. Egg cartons today.

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Re: November Appointments for Declutter and Organization

Postby ellyphant » Fri Nov 29, 2013 2:45 pm

3 bags of clothes dropped in the bin. Got DH to do his annual clothes cleanout.
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Re: November Appointments for Declutter and Organization

Postby Ivy » Fri Nov 29, 2013 5:33 pm

I decluttered some holiday cards with letters out to the satellite P. O. they went. :D I put away Thanksgiving decorations, too.
Touch the earth, love the earth, her plains, her valleys, her seas. Rest your soul in her solitary places. ~Henry Beston

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Re: November Appointments for Declutter and Organization

Postby Ivy » Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:53 pm

Do you know how it is when you put something important away for safe-keeping in a place you will be sure it'll be safe, where you'll remember you put it, but then you forget about it, where you put it and it's lost? :roll: :?: :?: :oops: I lost my death certificate copies to my natural father's and his parent's. I've prayed to St. Anthony, looked into files, and it took 2 years, but I finally found them, in a file, which has a clear window in it, which should've been a "red flag" that they're certificates. :!:

I needed a marriage certificate copy, for S. S., to prove I'm married to DH so I can claim S. S. off his. I found the death certificate copies in the front of the 3rd filing cabinet office drawer down. :P I read how my father was a physicist at the time of his death, he worked at a science lab, and he died on Sept. 18. The date of death was important to me, "just because" I wanted to personally recognize this date. He was 58 when he had his heart attack and just dropped. He'd given me up for adoption when Mom remarried, to my step-father who became "Dad." I have many of my Dfather's talents, gifts, and traits. I never knew him well, but I feel his presence at times when "the Muse" takes over, as he also was a poet and dreamed of writing.

DH found the marriage certificate easily. Later, I was looking for sweatshirts, thought I'd put them in the other end of the bunny room closet and found more yarn! :!: :shock: :!: :oops: :!: :o :!: :roll: :roll: :!: :lol: I realized how I've overcome hoarding clothes in all different sizes, but must have not faced my yarn-hoarding problem. :oops: :( I confess! :!: I've decided in the New Year to crochet afghans in all sizes, but mainly baby-size and adult size. I've picked out several patterns and am looking forward to turning my stash into afghans. I'll save them for home, and as I declutter our hope chest full of journals, I'll store afghans in there with dryer sheets. So I'll be DECLUTTERING journals, the yarn will be re-used into new afghans, so in a way, the yarns will be de-cluttered, too. :idea: I was delighted I found the certificates, but so embarrassed that I had too much yarn- more than originally found. :oops: I'm considering making hats for the homeless and cat mats for the local cat adoption/rescue shelter, with yarns, too. :idea: Just another idea for decluttering in the New Year. :D
Touch the earth, love the earth, her plains, her valleys, her seas. Rest your soul in her solitary places. ~Henry Beston

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