Time-Sensitive Tuesday

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:45 pm

I did a store run. The food is put away. I Walked The fog just around the block bc it it cold again 31* today's high temp.
Got current on the crochet project have the new colors now that I needed yea. One more to get gold when the yellow is gone.

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:53 pm

Just now getting here and catching up a bit. Waiting to see how Cathy/dh make out.

I got my last two reports in late last night so tried to do them first thing this morning. The Memorial Committee's report was done in "Word Perfect" -would not load, no way no how. Did finally reach her by phone and I was able to input her figures into the template from last year. Then!!!! I tried loading each individual report into one file! :shock: Practically everything had to be redone. I don't understand how they always seem to get 'undone'. But at least I got several emails back saying, "Great job!" That made me feel pretty good. We end up with 30 pages of typed reports so it takes a while. Since we're without a secretary right now, our pastor (up home) volunteered to print them up. Think she has them done, typos and all.

Did one LOL this morning and picked up through. Knew dbil was coming over and figured dsisil would be with him. Wasn't the case and I really was glad of that since I had a lot to do. At 11:57am I was able to send off the report to up home. But I never really relax over it until after the Annual Meeting which is Sunday, the 27th (reports have to be ready to hand out this Sunday so people have a chance to read them over.)

Think I'll go turn on "Wheel" and unwind for the day.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby CathyS » Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:21 pm

Whew! J & C for the explanation.
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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Sunny » Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:49 pm

All the best wishes, Cathy, for dh and you!

No fun being the Food Police, is it Harriet?!

Good evening everyone. Guess I have missed posting for a few days again. I try to look in earlier in the day, but sometimes don't get on till after suppertime. Our weekend was quiet; just the normal routines. Dson#2 stopped by on his way home from work on Saturday morning and brought us a bowl of ham and black beans. It was frozen and I put it back in the freezer for a later meal. Sunday was church online and the usual puttzing around. Monday dh and I went to get groceries. We hadn't shopped since Dec 31 so we really needed to get some things.

I talked to my dcousin yesterday afternoon (the one who lost her dh on Dec 26). She said she was doing well, but has had a lot of paperwork to do. She wants to get together soon.

I don't really know how long it takes to do my chores except for cooking. I usually start dinner about an hour before serving time. Other than that I always forget to look at a clock to start timing a chore. Sometimes I will do a quick thing while waiting on something else. In the evening I will fix dh's pill containers for 2 or 3 days while dMinnie is out for her last walk of the day. That is just enough time for both.

Speaking of policing...I have to keep a close watch on dh to make sure he tests his blood first thing in the morning and right before dinnertime. Sometimes he forgets until I remind him. It is important not only to keep track of his b.g. levels, but I have a form to fill out for the doctor so they can send in a script for refill testing supplies. I guess the ins. company wants this on record. I also have to keep track of how much sodium and potassium he consumes. He would just eat anything and everything he likes if I didn't watch!

I've finish with the closet in the family room so now I must decide what to tackle next.

The temp is going down to 45* tonight; it felt downright cold when I went out for the mail this afternoon. Though I know it's a lot colder for many of you across the country.
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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:53 pm

I am thankful to be able to return to full activities and still feel okay. I have went strong for the past 12 hours almost non-stop and am just now starting to feel tired.

DMom is sick with a cold. ARGH!!! She is always so careful when she is out in public but she was off her typical happenings last Friday when i was sick and VDNeighbor took her to the doctor appointment. DMom forgot to wear her gloves. I can not say that is what caused her to get sick of course, but I find it highly suspicious that 4 days later she is sick. When i arrive at DMom's home today, she was taking some cr*ppy generic OTC flu medication that had a tiny amount of actual medication in it. I went to town and got her some Musinex, Tylonel & Delsym. We need to make sure her lungs stay clear and the best way I know is to keep the mucus loose and moving (TMI sorry) I made sure she is drinking water and aware that she will dehydrate easier with being sick. Thankfully DNeice is living at DMom's home now and is with her at night or I would be staying with DMom tonight.

My effort to wear gloves while I was out in public today had some failures and successes.
Failure - My first choice of gloves were a failure because they won't work on the phone screen. I didn't realize how much I touch my phone until I couldn't. I kept having to take my glove off....touch the phone...put glove back on..take off..put on...repeat repeat repeat. then I lost the glove. #Failure

Success - I had a couple of disposable vinyl gloves in my pocket so when I lost my other gloves I put the disposable gloves on. They are ugly but they did work perfectly. The phone screen responded while wearing those gloves without a problem.

Confused..I don't know how to do gloves and bathroom.......I went to the bathroom at Sams and paused because I didn't know how to proceed. Do I take my gloves off to go to the bathroom? But that meant putting my hands on all those germy places. I didn't have much time to think because I REALLY NEEDED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM. Sooooo....I left the gloves on. After I exited the bathroom stall I went to the sink to wash my hands....but i had gloves on! ARGH! As long as my hands were inside the gloves they were protected from germs but but but. if I took the gloves off to wash my hands then I had no more gloves to put back on. So.....I left the bathroom without washing my glove covered hands. I am still confused. The whole thing felt wrong......but my hands were still protected. But still.

The biggest surprise of the glove experiment was HOW DIRTY the gloves were when I arrived home and took them off. TOTALLY GROSS!!

DD spent 2 hours with DGD7 after school before dropping her off at our house. I put clean sheets on DGD7 bed tonight when I got home. I've checked her homework and snuggled with her. It's 8 minutes until lights out for her.
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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 15, 2019 10:48 pm

When I cut my finger and wore a disposable latex glove all day, I'd wash my hands after the bathroom. I did take them off when I'd take dgsM2 to the bathroom because the feeling is gross on the kid. Then I'd put my clean hand back into the glove.

I'm off to bed after I write an email.

Ds is here so we planned next weeks (he gets the house next week.) I gave him a bag of cleaning supplies that dh picked up from the giveaway shelf.

DgsM2 was great here and ate a good dinner. I spent time with dgdJ0 before we came home with her brother. She's a little doll. She was on her tummy on a play mat, lifting her hid and turning it from side to side to change her view. She is only a week old today. DgsM2 was between 8 & 12 weeks before he could do that. He was so far behind, she seems equally ahead.

My meeting went fine. The strategy dealing with the landlord seems to be to make the boring guy who drones on and on the guy doing the presentation and then the other side wants to him to stop so give in.

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Wed Jan 16, 2019 12:18 am

Is there some area of your household in which you'd like to be more sensitive to time?

Mmmm.... everything?

Just told my group today -- teacher's meeting -- that I hate to admit it but I just cannot discipline myself and accomplish anything without that bell ringing every 50 minutes, telling me it's time for the next thing. Here I am, retired for 5 1/2 years and what have I done with all this TIME??? (Well, as I told dfriend sitting beside me, I've spent a lot of it taking dmom to the doctor and babysitting dgrandchildren. But that's beside the point.)
Someone told me I could just set my own bell on my phone and use it, but it is not the same. At school, there were 30 expectant faces looking at me, looking to ME to direct the next thing, every 50 minutes. There was a principal and ass't principal who might at any moment pop in and just OBSERVE what I was doing, looking to me to be efficient and in-control, and there were other teachers all along the hall, doing the same thing, to compare myself to and judge myself against.
Well, you ladies are here, and I DO compare myself to y'all and judge myself against your accomplishments, and let me tell you... I know I come up short. * whew * A LONG way short...

And dmom would say the first thing I need to change is to stop staying up till 3:00 a.m. and sleeping till 11:00 a.m. :oops: :oops: :oops:
I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW... I KNOW this is a ridiculous and embarrassing schedule for any grown adult to keep, but it is what it is. DH is not going to change, and yes, I could insist on a different routine for myself, but it would just be too complicated and not worth it in the long run.

And regardless of when I choose my 16 hours, I still maintain that I still HAVE 16 waking hours in which to be a productive member of society, or at least a productive member of this household. But I feel I'm still spinning my wheels.

Our speaker today said something I am going to try to take to heart. He said, "Set goals for yourself, and then keep them. Be honest with yourself and DO what you SAY you will do."
Well, that's profound, isn't it? Of course, everyone knows that.
But in light of his talk, I have written another 1000 words in my "biography" of dfil. It's a start.

The thing is, as we all know, the best laid plans... often go astray.

When I awoke -- at 10:00 a.m. this morning (b/c of the teacher's meeting at 11:30) -- there was already a message from ds waiting on my phone: "Call me whenever you get up. (DDIL) and I have what (DGD) had this weekend."
Soooo... today, I went on to the meeting, but afterwards, got Gatorade for them, brought dgd here, gave her a bath (since she had not had one since she had gotten sick!) took her to McD's, picked up dgs at school, went with dh to eat supper with them, gave dgs his bath (so ds/ddil would have one less thing to deal with) and took them home, with Jello and Zofran for ddil.

And I haven't even talked to dmom re: HER appt with the foot doctor. Who knows WHAT that little 15 minute conversation will mean for my future?

* sheesh *

I am SOOO glad I am healthy and available to do these things for these people -- and to be totally honest, I might not be much more productive if I lived alone in this town and had no one who needed me for one single thing. I might have slept till noon and read novels till midnight, regardless.

I just need an attitude adjustment and something to make me wake myself up and train myself to JUST DO IT.
I have a GREAT checklist for the day... I just leave too many blanks unchecked at the end of each day. :oops: :oops: :oops:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Lilac » Wed Jan 16, 2019 12:26 am

Kathryn, how does dgsM2 like being a big brother? I am so happy for all of your family, that your dd is now the mother of 2.

Did not get to my paperwork today. I had a tummy issue this morning and didn't even start. By afternoon, I was able to shower, knowing I could leave the house. Dh felt better and went to the game with me.

I haven't had an appetite all day and this evening I am feeling nauseous. Hope I am not getting something. I guess it's that time of year.

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Wed Jan 16, 2019 1:10 am

I need to get back to reading that d-e-e-p book, Why We Sleep. Time just isn't on my side for heavy reading right now.

But lucylee, one of the main things I learned, on the historic side, is that "night owls" and "morning larks" are not just making this up - they really have this natural tendency. And in the past, if it wasn't for someone in the family/village who happened to be up early, and someone who happened to be up late, disasters would not have been averted as well as they were. A fire, a flood, a sneak attack, whatever. Any of us may owe our existence now to a long-ago neighbor who made things safer for our ancestors because they were the ones who happened to be awake and able to warn the rest.

Sunny, yes I make a very reluctant policewoman. Yep, the tracking policework, too.

Glad to hear you got your dmom Mucinex, LadyM - that's a help.

Well, there is definitely more talk in our village here about viruses, isn't there? Hmmm ... .. We've had an easy winter so far in our area but I know our own set of viruses can't be far behind. Dd20 and I have been trying so hard, but eventually you let your guard down, you know? I don't know what we'll do if dd gets sick - one of her brothers may have to take her in, if we find out in time.
Btw, she often showers upon arriving home, but for instance this evening she got home so very late and exhausted that she didn't. Oops. Just thinking about this, I'm going to swipe the bathroom with Lysol before I hit the hay.

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Re: Time-Sensitive Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Wed Jan 16, 2019 1:20 am

Thank you, Harriet. That is reassuring. You are always so encouraging. Thank you.
Tomorrow is another day.

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