July Cards 2013

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Re: July Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:35 pm

hot! over 90 here and the house is 84 deg. even with the fans. dd is still sleeping and its 3:30 pm she is still on fiji time. I slept to one unfortunately as we didn't get home until early morning and didn't go to bed until early morning. so feeling guilty bc I haven't worked

so instead of staying put it's time for me to do a 15 min stint to get myself moving.

its too hot to cook so I am going to order some strambolli and make a nice salad and fruit -
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Re: July Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:36 am

Blessed I was thinking I could make a fruit salad with the nice variation I have here this week. I have chicken thawing to go in the crock pot for dinner it's my fun summer keep it cool idea it can even be put outside.

Today 101* is the forecast hi. temp.

I've done the first round time to think about what's up for the next one.
Make cookie dough is on that list to feed the freezer. Did a practice batch for the grands to eat and they were yummy but needed a bit more liquid in the batch to be less crumble.

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Re: July Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:55 pm

love the idea of using the crock pot and making fruit salad!!!

101 degrees no thank you... lol

we have air cond. again!!!! how lovely.

I put all but one clean basket of laundry upstairs, exercised, dr. appointment, made an appointment to have the above ground pool opened as d family hasn't had time to help me.

next make dinner so it is ready when it's time.

I need:
do dd younger's paper work for school
plan menu's and house
put away upstairs
make lunch stuff for tomorrow so that we can just heat it up.
simple dinner tomorrow night
thursday down town
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Re: July Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:35 pm

daily cards pulled but nothing done yet as dd younger and I slept late as she was up in the middle of the night... she lost all her trip pictures on her phone and was devastated (cried hysterically... so unlike her)

- so today we were up at 11 am (she is getting slowly back on our time). I woke at 6 am ran dd older to the train came back and slept again. then woke up ran to lunch with d mom's group and then went to apple and att and they couldn't get the pictures back.

Made dd olders dinner as we are stuffed and now will wait for her to come home. I have dailies.
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Re: July Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:41 am

Pretend this isn't here lol as I need to get this off my chest - IT can be a good thing - FOR ME :lol: -

well it's been a difficult two days and all about the house. dh has been killing himself on the lawn and I haven't done one thing outside. He also has been doing dishes not all the time but the house looks unkept.He feels like he is doing everything, he did 10 dishes. He needs a hobby and he has to get out of the house. He becomes guilt type person and passive aggressive - instead of being direct which I can't handle and tell him and then he said its because I am stubborn, then he wants kids to do things and he complains to me - because he's not direct they don't know what he wants them to do, he is a stickler about the front room and the dogs slept on the white couch.
dh is over his head and I am going to hire the lawn care even though he feels he can do it. it's too much for him, he is overwhelmed!!!

dh always looks annoyed even if he isn't - I told him I am hiring someone... it frustrates him but he and I can cut the grass but there is so much work to be done outside and I and dh no longer are 25 and I have things going on with dd younger. I don't know how he can be home every second.

dd older today said that she can't live like this... her shirt is in the was (and truth be told she should have looked for it the day before) and she WANTED something done today but later apologized for her tone, problem is that her whole floor is filled with her cloths and she didn't plan ahead.

dd younger did not clean the bathroom like dh asked, dogs.... hair, cats litter, dd younger is exhausted and emotional - lost allllll of her pictures from her phone as the phone went back to 2009 all from her trip. so now I have been awake for 2 nights

I want to be a good wife but does that mean I should give up summer and stay home or be unsocial and be home. it's not what I want.

I want to be a good wife, mother, daughter, daughter in law, sister

dh - I am going to have to set up a writing thing for him so he can tell exactly what he wants the kids to do.
he tends to look always crabby lately and he thinks he is not
I will work on the things I need to do so I can help where I can but I also will keep dd younger busy

dd older - put all laundry that is hers in her room and let her get it done

dd younger - figure out her lessons and expect her to get work done

eat at the table period

cats and dogs are making most of the mess - so I need to brush them daily, keep litter boxes clean and lock up dogs at night so they don't sleep on the furniture

I need to go back to a weekly plan

I will set up my calendar and everyone can tell me their needs and I will put it on where I can and if not... well they may have to wait until following week

with out me exercising and taking care of myself I can't do all that I want.

Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: July Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:46 am

I got that out of the way lol.

going to hire someone to help on the side of the house and the front
make chicken and white whine for dd older and dh as dd younger and I are going to see a chef
run to store
exercise even if there is work to do at the house,
clean out my car
do my visa
wash laundry and put away

store run and bank run done :D
trying to keep myself free of stress from others!

next: daily: put dishes away and make dinner done :D
dishes washing themselves in dw after making dinner. :D some pots in the sink soaking, sign on refrigerator for dinner for dd and dh
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: July Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:02 pm

OMM / On My Mind Card
Boy I've felt like a slug lately glad it was my desk day yesterday. Dgd older & I spent the day reading our library books. #2 dgd watched her fav. shows they needed down time.

I remember when I was a kid parents wanted me to do dishes and I'd not even eaten at home I reminded my folks of that ~ sigh ~ :roll: I was working then in h.s. lots going on and 1 acre of garden to till, one acre of lawn to mow boy I was in shape but kids can be over scheduled I was I know that. So I try to have some down time when grand kids come here as they seem to always need it and nap a lot to catch up on sleep.

Pets can be over whelming in their care, I know with the chickens it's harder with so many more here this summer.

Journaling / Finished reading the book on how to make a naturalist's journal and got inspired picked up a graph paper note book started that. Dgds were with me and they got a couple school supplies.
With out a list to go by they were a bit lost but in the upper grades some of the stuff you know you'll need like note books a binder and book bag & things to write with. Seems to me they should have access to the lists on line so they can pick stuff up.

School Supplies Card I always set aside $ for school photos with this one in my she cards. http://www.school-supply-list.com/index.php you can type in your zip and get your school's list!

Yea found supply list for grand daughters on line and sent a link to them. x

D.P.C. done called cable co. will be getting a better more updated modem on Mon.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: July Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:24 pm

yes kids can be overscheduled by adults! dnancy! I can see dd older going to work at 6 and coming home close to 7 and she can't do it all. It's not possible.

animals and summer - more time needed lol. so true!

have a great day d nancy
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Re: July Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:13 pm

While looking for the box for the old modem w/out success found some office supplies I'd put in the sewing room great find as I"m doing some new sketch journaling now! :mrgreen: It's like a gift to me! YEA!

Found the three hole punch too for note book type paper.
Also my punches fun times ahead!
dgd helped punch out some gift tags.
Learning how to make punch out hearts and stars is fun for her.

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Re: July Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:47 am

63*-99* today's temp. range. Waving to blessed!
I got a letter written to my dmom ready to do yesterday and this morning I got it out in the mail box! Wa-hoo for progress.
feed chickens x
ex. *
baby duty *

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